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Incorporation of propyphenazone in beard hair of a migraine patient.


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The incorporation of propyphenazone in beard hair after consumption of this substance present in the analgesic Migraine-Kranit (Codali) was investigated. Because of a migraine attack a volunteer took four tablets of Migraine-Kranit (one tablet contains 150 mg propyphenazone) the first day and two tablets the second day. Shaved beard hair was collected 48, 72, 96 and 120 h after the first consumption of the analgesic drug. These hair specimens were washed (acetone and water), pulverized and then incubated during 2 h in a thioglycolic solution. After solid-phase extraction on C18 columns, propyphenazone was assayed in these extracts by GC/MS operating in selected ion monitoring mode (m/z 230, 215). Diazepam-d5 was used as an internal standard. In hair specimen 1 (48 h after consumption) the highest concentration was found (170 pg/mg hair). In hair specimen 2 (72 h) and 3 (96 h) the concentration were significantly lower (44 and 18 pg/mg, respectively). After 120 h no propyphenazone could be detected (limit of detection: 5 pg/mg hair). These results show that propyphenazone was already in beard hear 2 days after consumption, whereas no more presence could be shown after 120 h. As the time period of 2 days is too short to allow entrapment into the hair matrix from bloodstream and growing of hair out of the follicle, our results suggest that incorporation of propyphenazone may be mainly due to excretion in sweat and subsequent incorporation into the hair.
机译:服用止痛药偏头痛-克兰尼特(Codali)中存在的这种物质后,研究了在胡须毛中丙苯并phen的掺入情况。由于偏头痛发作,志愿者在第一天服用了四片偏头痛-克雷尼特(一片含有150 mg的苯丙氮酮),第二天服用了两片。首次使用镇痛药后48、72、96和120小时收集了剃过的胡须毛。将这些头发样本洗涤(丙酮和水),粉碎,然后在巯基乙酸溶液中孵育2小时。在C18柱上进行固相萃取后,通过以选定离子监测模式(m / z 230、215)操作的GC / MS测定这些萃取物中的苯丙氮酮。地西p-d5用作内标。在头发样本1中(食用48小时后)发现浓度最高(170 pg / mg头发)。在头发样本2(72小时)和3(96小时)中,浓度显着降低(分别为44和18 pg / mg)。 120小时后,未检出丙氮平(检出限:5 pg / mg头发)。这些结果表明,服用苯丙氮平2天后已经在胡须中了,而120小时后再也没有出现。由于2天的时间太短,无法从血液中截留到毛发基质中并且使毛发从毛囊中生长出来,因此我们的研究结果表明,丙苯乙酮的掺入可能主要是由于汗液排泄并随后掺入头发。



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