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Assessment of mobile dental services in the State of Lower Austria, Austria.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the existence and the quality of mobile dental services available to the austrian elderly population of Lower Austria, Austria, using two approaches: the home-bound elders' perception and the dentistry services provided in nursery homes. METHODS: The study had two parts. The first was a qualitative assessment of mobile dental services as perceived by the elderly home bounds, based on 52 questionnaires. These questionnaries were distributed to the home bound persons in a period of one month. The second part was the assessment in the nursing homes. For this study a short questionnaire was sent, by e-mail, to 61 nursing homes of Lower Austria. RESULTS: by the elderly home bound--29 questionnaires returned completed (response quote of 55.8%) and 4 uncompleted. The age range of the subjects was from 64 to 89 years old and the ratio of women to men was about 2:1 (62% to 38%). 79.3% think that dental home care is a good practice, 58.6% would use mobile dentistry themselves. in the nursing homes--From the 61 sent e-mails 33 were returned with completed questionnaires (response quote of 54.09%). 48.5% of the nursing homes replied that they do not have mobile dental service. However, 17 homes (51.51%) have a mobile dentist. CONCLUSION: A mobile dental service for patients of austrian geriatric nursing homes does exist. However, no mobile dental service was identified for austrian home bound patients. This scenario shows the need for a mobile dental care programme and politcs.
机译:目的:采用两种方法,调查可用于下奥地利州奥地利的奥地利老年人口的流动牙科服务的存在和质量:对家中长者的感知以及在托儿所中提供的牙科服务。方法:研究分为两个部分。首先是根据52个调查表对老年人家庭所感知的流动牙科服务进行了定性评估。这些调查问卷在一个月的时间内分发给了家中的人。第二部分是养老院的评估。在本研究中,通过电子邮件将简短的调查表发送到了下奥地利州的61所养老院。结果:到了老年人之家,返回了29份问卷(完成率为55.8%)和4份未完成。受试者的年龄范围是64至89岁,男女之比约为2:1(62%至38%)。 79.3%的人认为家庭牙科护理是一种好习惯,58.6%的人会自己使用流动牙科。在养老院中-从61封发送的电子邮件中,有33封完整的问卷被退回(回复率为54.09%)。 48.5%的疗养院答复说,他们没有流动牙科服务。但是,有17个家庭(51.51%)拥有流动牙医。结论:确实存在为奥地利老年疗养院患者提供的流动牙科服务。但是,没有发现针对奥地利家庭患者的移动牙科服务。这种情况表明需要移动牙科护理程序和政治服务。



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