首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Physics >The Einstein-Maxwell-particle system in the York canonical basis of ADM tetrad gravity. Part 3. the post-minkowskian N -body problem, its post-newtonian limit in nonharmonic 3-orthogonal gauges and dark matter as an inertial effect

The Einstein-Maxwell-particle system in the York canonical basis of ADM tetrad gravity. Part 3. the post-minkowskian N -body problem, its post-newtonian limit in nonharmonic 3-orthogonal gauges and dark matter as an inertial effect

机译:在约克规范的ADM四重引力基础上的爱因斯坦-麦克斯韦粒子系统。第3部分。后Minkowskian N体问题,非调和3正交规范中的后牛顿极限和作为惯性效应的暗物质

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We conclude the study of the post-minkowskian (PM) linearization of ADM tetrad gravity in the York canonical basis for asymptotically minkowskian space-times in the family of nonharmonic 3-orthogonal gauges parametrized by the York time 3~K(τ,σ) (the inertial gauge variable, not existing in Newton gravity, describing the general relativistic remnant of the freedom in clock synchronization in the definition of the shape of the instantaneous 3-spaces as 3-submanifolds of space-time). As matter we consider only N scalar point particles with a Grassmann regularization of the self-energies and with an ultraviolet cutoff making possible the PM linearization and the evaluation of the PM solution for the gravitational field. We study in detail all the properties of these PM space-times emphasizing their dependence on the gauge variable 3~K_((1)) = (1/Δ) 3~K_((1)) (the nonlocal York time): Riemann and Weyl tensors, 3-spaces, time-like and null geodesics, red-shift, and luminosity distance. Then we study the post-newtonian (PN) expansion of the PM equations of motion of the particles. We find that in the two-body case at the 0.5PN order there is a damping (or antidamping) term depending only on_3~K_((1)). This opens the possibility of explaining dark matter in Einstein theory as a relativistic inertial effect: the determination of 3~K_((1)) from the masses and rotation curves of galaxies would give information on how to find a PM extension of the existing PN celestial frame used as an observational convention in the 4-dimensional description of stars and galaxies. Dark matter would describe the difference between the inertial and gravitational masses seen in the non-euclidean_3-spaces, without a violation of their equality in the 4-dimensional space-time as required by the equivalence principle.
机译:我们总结了在约克时间3〜K(τ,σ)参数化的非调和3正交量规系列中,在约克经典基础上对ADM四重引力的Minkowskian(PM)后线性化的研究(惯性量规变量,在牛顿引力中不存在,它描述了将瞬时3空间的形状定义为时空3子流形时,时钟同步自由度的一般相对论性剩余物)。就我们而言,我们仅考虑具有自能的格拉斯曼正则化且具有紫外线截止的N个标量点粒子,这使得PM线性化和对重力场的PM解的评估成为可能。我们详细研究了这些PM时空的所有属性,强调了它们对规范变量3〜K _((1))=(1 /Δ)3〜K _((1))(非本地约克时间)的依赖性:Riemann和Weyl张量,3空间,类似时间和零的测地线,红移和光度距离。然后,我们研究了粒子运动的PM运动方程的牛顿后(PN)展开。我们发现在0.5PN阶的二体情况下,存在一个仅取决于on_3〜K _((1))的阻尼(或抗阻尼)项。这开辟了将爱因斯坦理论中的暗物质解释为相对论惯性效应的可能性:从星系的质量和旋转曲线确定3〜K _((1))将提供有关如何找到现有PN的PM扩展的信息。天体框架用作恒星和星系4维描述中的观测惯例。暗物质将描述在非euclidean_3空间中看到的惯性质量和引力质量之间的差异,而不会违反等价原理所要求的在4维时空中的相等性。



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