首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Physics >Hydrogen and methane in Titans atmosphere: Chemistry, diffusion, escape, and the Hunten limiting flux principle

Hydrogen and methane in Titans atmosphere: Chemistry, diffusion, escape, and the Hunten limiting flux principle


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One of Professor Donald M. Huntens lasting contributions to the field of planetary atmospheres was the principle of the (Hunten) limiting flux, where the escape of light species is limited by the rate at which they can diffuse through the atmosphere. While his limiting flux expression has been well tested for hydrogens escape from the Earths atmosphere (e.g., Hunten and Strobel (J. Atmos. Sci. 31, 305 (1974)); Hunten and Donahue (Ann. Rev. Earth Planet Sci. 4, 265 (1976))), it has not been tested for Titans atmosphere, which was the original motivation for the principle. The Cassini-Huygens mission has provided sufficient data on the variation of the H _2 mole fraction with altitude to test its applicability and validity. Only in the vicinity of the homopause does the limiting flux expression yield the actual H _2 escape flux, because the mole fraction varies with altitude. This paper deals also with our current understanding of the three major constituents of Titans atmosphere (N _2, CH _4, and H _2) from the various measurements by instruments on the Cassini orbiter and the Huygens probe. Specific problems addressed are additional required sources of H _2, the CH _4 escape rate, and the possible role of energetic electron and ion precipitation from Saturns magnetosphere.
机译:Donald M. Huntens教授对行星大气领域的持久贡献之一是(Hunten)限制通量的原理,其中光物种的逃逸受到它们在大气中扩散的速率的限制。尽管他的极限通量表达式已针对从大气层中逸出的氢进行了充分的测试(例如,Hunten和Strobel(J。Atmos。Sci。31,305(1974)); Hunten和Donahue(Ann。Rev. Earth Planet Sci。4)。 ,265(1976))),但尚未经过Titans大气测试,这是该原理的最初动机。卡西尼-惠更斯飞行任务已经提供了有关H _2摩尔分数随海拔高度变化的足够数据,以测试其适用性和有效性。由于摩尔分数随高度而变化,仅在均等暂停附近,极限通量表达式才产生实际的H _2逸出通量。本文还通过卡西尼号轨道飞行器和惠更斯探测器的各种测量结果,对我们目前对泰坦大气的三个主要成分(N _2,CH _4和H _2)的理解进行了探讨。解决的特定问题是H _2的其他必需来源,CH _4的逸出速率,以及来自土星磁层的高能电子和离子沉淀的可能作用。



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