首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Adding serum estradiol measurements to ultrasound monitoring does not change the yield of mature oocytes in IVF/ICSI

Adding serum estradiol measurements to ultrasound monitoring does not change the yield of mature oocytes in IVF/ICSI

机译:在超声监测中添加血清雌二醇测量值不会改变IVF / ICSI中成熟卵母细胞的产量

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In a non-randomized, comparative prospective study (416 patients) we compared the outcome of IVF/ICSI in two parallel control groups: one in which patients were followed up using combined monitoring (ultrasound plus serum estradiol monitoring, the UHM group) and one in which only ultrasound monitoring was used (the UM group). This study has taken the number of mature oocytes at the moment of egg retrieval as its primary end variable. After adjustment for age, gravidity, antagonist protocol, AMH and infertility diagnosis, the average difference in number of mature oocytes between the UHM group and the UM group was -0.4 (95% CI: -1.7 to 1.0), which met our definition of clinical equivalence (95% CI for the adjusted mean difference between -2 and 2). Larger studies are still needed to evaluate the differences in the live birth rates per cycle and to further confirm that blood sampling definitively has no added value in monitoring ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI.
机译:在一项非随机,比较性前瞻性研究(416例患者)中,我们在两个平行对照组中比较了IVF / ICSI的结果:一个采用联合监测(超声加血清雌二醇监测,UHM组)随访患者,另一个其中仅使用超声监测(UM组)。这项研究将取卵时成熟卵母细胞的数量作为其主要最终变量。调整年龄,妊娠率,拮抗剂方案,AMH和不育症诊断后,UHM组和UM组之间成熟卵母细胞数量的平均差异为-0.4(95%CI:-1.7至1.0),符合我们的定义临床等效性(-2和2之间的调整后平均差为95%CI)。仍然需要更大的研究来评估每个周期的活产率的差异,并进一步确认血液采样对于监测IVF / ICSI的卵巢刺激绝对没有附加价值。



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