首页> 外文期刊>Gynecological endocrinology: the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology >Increased serum estrogenic bioactivity in girls with premature thelarche: A marker of environmental pollutant exposure?

Increased serum estrogenic bioactivity in girls with premature thelarche: A marker of environmental pollutant exposure?


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The aim of the work was to investigate the pathophysiology of isolated premature thelarche (IPT) by determining the impact of pre/postnatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) through evaluation of total serum estrogenic bioactivity (EBA). The pathophysiology remains elusive, although recent investigations suggested the role of EDCs in premature female breast development. We investigated 15 girls with IPT. Plasma estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone were measured in basal state and after gonadotropin-releasing hormone testing; bone age and uterine length were also assessed for all patients. Total EBA of patient serum was analyzed with an ultrasensitive bioassay that we previously developed and compared with that of 18 age-matched control girls. Parents were interviewed about their environmental/occupational exposure to EDCs during the patient's prenatal/postnatal life. Nine families reported parental occupational/ environmental EDCs exposure during prenatal/postnatal patient life; the mean total EBA found in these 9 IPT girls was significantly elevated (12.31±6.64pg/mL) in comparison with that of the 6 patients without exposure (2.53±0.73pg/mL) and the 18 age-matched controls (3.53±2.23pg/mL; p<0.01). The significant increase in total EBA in these 9 girls with IPT suggests that premature female breast development may be related in some cases to higher pre/postnatal contamination by EDCs.
机译:这项工作的目的是通过评估血清总雌激素生物活性(EBA)来确定出生前/产后暴露于内分泌干扰物(EDC)的影响,从而研究离体早产儿(IPT)的病理生理。病理生理学仍然难以捉摸,尽管最近的研究表明EDC在女性早产乳腺发育中的作用。我们调查了15名患有IPT的女孩。在基础状态和促性腺激素释放激素测试后,测定血浆雌二醇,促卵泡激素和促黄体生成激素。还评估了所有患者的骨龄和子宫长度。使用我们之前开发的超灵敏生物测定法分析了患者血清的总EBA,并将其与18个年龄匹配的对照女孩进行了比较。采访了父母在患者产前/产后生活中对EDC的环境/职业接触。九个家庭报告了产前/产后患者生活中父母职业/环境EDC的暴露;与6例未接触暴露的患者(2.53±0.73pg / mL)和18个年龄相匹配的对照组(3.53±2.23)相比,在这9名IPT女孩中发现的平均总EBA显着升高(12.31±6.64pg / mL)。 pg / mL; p <0.01)。这9名患有IPT的女孩的总EBA显着增加表明,在某些情况下,女性乳房过早发育可能与EDCs对产前/产后的较高污染有关。



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