
Aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of bladder endometriosis.


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BACKGROUND: Aromatase inhibitors have recently been proposed for the treatment of endometriosis; however, no previous study examined the effects of these agents on pain and urinary symptoms of premenopausal women with bladder endometriosis. CASE: Two premenopausal patients with bladder endometriosis were treated with letrozole (2.5 mg/day), norethisterone acetate (2.5 mg/day), elemental calcium and vitamin D3 for 6 months. The double-drug regimen quickly improved pain and urinary symptoms in both patients. One patient had no significant adverse effect and continued the therapy for 14 months. The other patient developed myalgia and severe arthralgia; pain and urinary symptoms recurred few months after the interruption of the 6-month treatment and the patient underwent laparoscopic partial cystectomy. CONCLUSION: Aromatase inhibitors improve pain and urinary symptoms in patients with bladder endometriosis; however, severe side effects of treatment may occur. These agents should be administered only to patients who refuse surgery and fail to respond to other therapies.
机译:背景:芳香酶抑制剂最近已被提议用于治疗子宫内膜异位症。但是,以前没有研究检查这些药物对绝经前患有子宫内膜异位症妇女的疼痛和泌尿症状的影响。案例:两名绝经前患有子宫内膜异位的患者接受来曲唑(2.5 mg /天),醋酸炔诺酮(2.5 mg /天),元素钙和维生素D3治疗6个月。两种药物的双药疗法均能迅速改善这两名患者的疼痛和泌尿症状。 1例患者无明显不良反应,继续治疗14个月。另一名患者发展为肌痛和严重关节痛。 6个月的治疗中断后数月,疼痛和泌尿症状再次出现,患者接受了腹腔镜部分膀胱切除术。结论:芳香化酶抑制剂可改善膀胱内异症患者的疼痛和泌尿症状。但是,可能会出现严重的治疗副作用。这些药物应仅对拒绝手术且对其他疗法无反应的患者给药。



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