首页> 外文期刊>Gynecologic Oncology: An International Journal >The second edition of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Surgical Postgraduate Courses supplementThe annual meetings of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO) continue to highlight surgical education by providing several hands-on postgraduate courses that focus on cutting-edge surgical techniques used in minimally invasive approaches, fertility-sparing surgery, as well as open radical surgery. The cadaveric dissections and surgical demonstrations have been well received by participants

The second edition of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Surgical Postgraduate Courses supplementThe annual meetings of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO) continue to highlight surgical education by providing several hands-on postgraduate courses that focus on cutting-edge surgical techniques used in minimally invasive approaches, fertility-sparing surgery, as well as open radical surgery. The cadaveric dissections and surgical demonstrations have been well received by participants


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The annual meetings of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO) continue to highlight surgical education by providing several hands-on postgraduate courses that focus on cutting-edge surgical techniques used in minimally invasive approaches, fertility-sparing surgery, as well as open radical surgery. The cadaveric dissections and surgical demonstrations have been well received by participants, as has the first SGO surgical supplement, which accompanied the 2007 postgraduate surgical courses given in San Diego, CA. In an effort to continue with this educational endeavor, we provide in this second issue synopses of a few selected surgical techniques and topics discussed during the 2008 SGO courses in Tampa, FL. We hope this second supplement will be useful to participants and fellows in training, and we thank the contributors who volunteered their time and effort to make this supplement possible. We also would like to thank SGO; Susan C. Morris, the Director of Marketing and Communications at SGO; and Elsevier for their continued efforts in supporting surgical education. We also would like to extend a special thanks to George Monemvasitis, a senior editor at Memorial Sloan-Kertering Cancer Center, for his tremendous efforts in organizing the 2007 and 2008 supplements. We also are grateful to our sponsors for their continued support of surgical education at the annual society meetings.
机译:妇科肿瘤学家学会(SGO)的年会继续通过提供几门动手实践的研究生课程来强调外科手术教育,这些课程的重点是微创手术,保留生育力的手术以及开放性根治性手术中使用的尖端手术技术。尸体解剖和外科手术示范受到参与者的欢迎,第一个SGO外科手术补给品也受到参与者的欢迎,2007年SGO外科补给品伴随着在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的研究生外科课程。为了继续这一教育努力,我们在第二期中提供了一些选定的手术技术和在佛罗里达州坦帕市2008 SGO课程中讨论的主题的摘要。我们希望这第二份补篇对培训的参与者和学员有用,并且我们感谢那些贡献者的时间和精力使补篇成为可能的贡献者。我们还要感谢SGO; SGO营销和传播总监Susan C. Morris;和Elsevier在支持外科手术教育方面的持续努力。我们还要特别感谢Sloan-Kertering纪念癌症中心的资深编辑George Monemvasitis,他为组织2007年和2008年的增刊付出了巨大的努力。我们也感谢赞助商在年度社会会议上对外科教育的持续支持。



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