首页> 外文期刊>Gynecologic Oncology: An International Journal >Healthcare resource use and costs associated with cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancers in a large U.S. health plan.

Healthcare resource use and costs associated with cervical, vaginal and vulvar cancers in a large U.S. health plan.


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OBJECTIVES: To estimate healthcare resource utilization and costs of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers in a large U.S. health plan. METHODS: We estimated incremental ambulatory visits, hospitalizations, prescription fills and healthcare costs for cancer cases relative to population controls. Data for cervical (n=2788), vulvar (n=621) and vaginal cancer (n=254) cases and an identical number of controls were obtained from a large U.S. health plan. Cases were identified via diagnostic codes on a healthcare claim and matched to controls. Incremental resource use was assessed using a two-stage regression method developed by Carides, with costs analyzed using Lin's regression method. RESULTS: Through 4 years of follow-up, cervical cancer patients had incremental resource use of 12.0 ambulatory visits, 0.6 hospital admissions and 7.0 prescription fills per case. Cumulative 4-year incremental healthcare costs per case ranged from Dollars 8236 for vulvar cancers to Dollars 18,799 for cervical cancers. When adjusted to cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancer excess mortality rates observed within the U.S. Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results program, estimated incremental costs were Dollars 29,649 for cervical, Dollars 11,356 for vulvar and Dollars 21,963 for vaginal cancers. There was a significant upward trend in costs with increasing age for cervical cancer, however trends were less consistent for vulvar and vaginal cancers. CONCLUSIONS: Direct medical costs associated with cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers were observed to be substantial. These data can help inform evaluations of the economic burden and cost-effectiveness of prevention of these cancers, particularly for vulvar and vaginal disease, where such data have not been previously reported.
机译:目标:在一项大型美国卫生计划中估算医疗保健资源利用率以及子宫颈癌,外阴癌和阴道癌的费用。方法:相对于人群控制,我们估计了癌症病例增加的门诊就诊,住院,处方药和医疗费用。子宫颈癌(n = 2788),外阴癌(n = 621)和阴道癌(n = 254)病例的数据以及相同数量的对照者均来自一项大型美国卫生计划。通过医疗保健索赔中的诊断代码识别病例并与对照进行匹配。使用Carides开发的两阶段回归方法评估资源增量使用,并使用Lin回归方法分析成本。结果:经过4年的随访,每例宫颈癌患者的资源消耗增加了12.0次门诊就诊,0.6次入院和7.0次处方充填。每例病例的4年累积医疗保健费用从外阴癌的8236美元到宫颈癌的18799美元不等。根据美国监测流行病学和最终结果计划中观察到的宫颈癌,外阴癌和阴道癌的超额死亡率进行调整后,估计的增量成本为宫颈癌为29,649美元,外阴癌为11,356美元,阴道癌为21,963美元。随着年龄的增长,子宫颈癌的费用有明显的上升趋势,但是对于外阴癌和阴道癌,这种趋势不太一致。结论:与子宫颈癌,外阴癌和阴道癌相关的直接医疗费用被认为是巨大的。这些数据有助于评估预防这些癌症的经济负担和成本效益,尤其是针对外阴和阴道疾病的预防,这些数据以前没有报道过。



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