首页> 外文期刊>Canadian journal of ophthalmology >Management of pseudophakic malignant glaucoma and ultrasound biomicroscopic features.

Management of pseudophakic malignant glaucoma and ultrasound biomicroscopic features.


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Malignant glaucoma is characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP) accompanied by shallowing or flattening of the anterior chamber, despite patent iridec-tomy and the presence of a normal posterior segment.A 76-year-old man was referred with raised IOP and shallow anterior chamber. The patient had a history of uncomplicated extracapsular cataract extraction with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens in his left eye. At presentation he had uncorrected visual acuity of 6/38. With a combination of brimonidine tartrate bid, latano-prost and timolol fixed combination eye drops once a day, and acetazolamide 250 mg tid the patient had an IOP of 24 mm Hg in the left eye. The anterior chamber of the left eye was very shallow and the iris was nearly touching the corneal endothelium, but there was still some space between the iris and the endothelium in the periphery.
机译:恶性青光眼的特征是眼内压升高(IOP)伴有前房变浅或变平,尽管进行了虹膜切除术和后段正常.76岁的男性被称为IOP升高且前壁浅室。该患者有左眼植入后房型人工晶状体的单纯性白内障白内障摘除术史。在演讲中,他的视力矫正度为6/38。每天联合使用酒石酸溴莫尼定,拉坦前列素和噻吗洛尔固定组合滴眼液,每天两次口服250mg乙酰唑胺,左眼的IOP为24 mm Hg。左眼的前房很浅,虹膜几乎接触到角膜内皮,但是虹膜和周围的内皮之间仍然有一些空间。



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