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Application of the One-Third rule in hydrocarbon and crude oil systems


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Thermodynamic and transport properties of hydrocarbon systems are determined, in part, by the van der Waals attractions between molecules. These van der Waals attractions (or London dispersion interactions) are related to the electronic polarizability and molar refractivity of the molecules. Molar refractivity is related to refractive index and molar volume through the Lorentz–Lorenz equation. In this work we present a method that relates the refractive index of a hydrocarbon substance with its mass density. This is based on the observation that the molar refractivity is approximately proportional to the molecular weight of a hydrocarbon molecule. The proportionality constant is approximately equal to one-third for hydrocarbons and crude oil systems. Although both the refractive index and the mass density are functions of temperature, it has been found that the proportionality constant of this model is nearly invariable over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. Therefore, given the temperature dependence of one of the variables, it is possible, by applying the “One-Third” rule, to estimate the temperature dependence of the other variable. This correlation has been validated with over 200 crude oil samples, in a wide range of densities (10–55-API) and temperatures (10–70 -C), and the results obtained are remarkable. The applications of the One-Third rule in the calculation of properties such as solubility parameter, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusivity and heat capacity of hydrocarbons and crude oil systems, as a function of the mass density, are presented and discussed. This approach also provides an alternative to calculate the refractive index based on densities obtained from an equation of state. The method presented in this work is promising in offering a new, simple and reliable method for estimating hydrocarbon and crude oil properties as a function of their mass density.
机译:碳氢化合物系统的热力学和传输特性部分地取决于分子之间的范德华力吸引力。这些范德华吸引力(或伦敦色散相互作用)与分子的电子极化率和摩尔折射率有关。通过洛伦兹-洛伦茨方程,摩尔折射率与折射率和摩尔体积有关。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种将烃类物质的折射率与其质量密度相关联的方法。这是基于以下观察:摩尔折射率与烃分子的分子量大致成比例。对于碳氢化合物和原油系统,比例常数大约等于三分之一。尽管折射率和质量密度都是温度的函数,但是已经发现,该模型的比例常数在很大的压力和温度范围内几乎不变。因此,在给定一个变量的温度依赖性的情况下,可以通过应用“一次”规则来估计另一个变量的温度依赖性。在200多个原油样品中,在各种密度(10–55-API)和温度(10–70 -C)下,均已验证了这种相关性,并且获得的结果非常显着。提出并讨论了三分之一规则在诸如碳氢化合物和原油系统的溶解度参数,粘度,导热系数,扩散系数和热容量等特性计算中作为质量密度函数的应用。这种方法还提供了一种替代方法,可以根据从状态方程获得的密度来计算折射率。这项工作中介绍的方法有望提供一种新的,简单而可靠的方法,以根据碳氢化合物和原油的质量密度估算碳氢化合物和原油的性能。



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