首页> 外文期刊>Fluid Phase Equilibria >The solubility of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide in polymers derived from carbon dioxide

The solubility of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide in polymers derived from carbon dioxide


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As a part of the optimization of a recently developed process through which polyurethanes are produced using carbon dioxide (CO_2) as a raw material, the solubilities of CO_2 and of propylene oxide (PO) in polyether polycarbonate polyols (PPP), an intermediary in the production of polyurethanes, were measured at pressures up to 10MPa and 1MPa, respectively, at temperatures between 363K and 413K. Experiments were performed using the synthetic-isothermal method. The influence of propylene carbonate, also present in the process, was investigated by studying the solubilities of CO_2 and PO in different mixtures of PPP and propylene carbonate at 383K. Finally, the solubility of CO_2 in a polyether, one of the reactants in the process, was also measured at 383K.The experimental results were modeled with the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation of state with the Péneloux-Rauzy volume translation and Mathias-Klotz-Prausnitz mixing rules.



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