
MIMO Antenna Subset Selection With Space-Time Coding


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This paper treats multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna subset selection employing space-time coding. We consider two cases differentiated based on the type of channel knowledge used in the selection process. We address both the selection algorithms and the performance analysis. We first consider the case when the antenna subsets are selected based on exact channel knowledge (ECK). Our results assume the transmission of orthogonal space-time block codes (with emphasis on the Alamouti code). Next, we treat the case of antenna subset selection when statistical channel knowledge (SCK) is employed by the selection algorithm. This analysis is applicable to general space-time coding schemes. When ECK is available, we show that the selection algorithm chooses the antenna set that maximizes the channel Frobenius norm leading to both coding and diversity gain. When SCK is available, the selection algorithm chooses the antenna set that maximizes the determinant of the covariance of the vectorized channel leading mostly to a coding gain. In case of ECK-based selection, we provide analytical expressions for average SNR and outage probability improvement. For the case when SCK-based selection is used, we derive expressions for coding gain. We also present extensive simulation studies, validating our results.
机译:本文研究了采用时空编码的多输入多输出(MIMO)天线子集选择。我们考虑了两种情况,根据选择过程中使用的渠道知识类型进行区分。我们既涉及选择算法,也涉及性能分析。我们首先考虑根据精确信道知识 (ECK) 选择天线子集的情况。我们的结果假设了正交时空块代码的传输(重点是Alamouti代码)。接下来,我们处理了选择算法采用统计信道知识(SCK)时天线子集选择的情况。该分析适用于一般的时空编码方案。当ECK可用时,我们表明选择算法选择的天线组可最大化信道Frobenius范数,从而实现编码和分集增益。当 SCK 可用时,选择算法选择的天线组可最大化矢量化信道协方差的行列式,主要导致编码增益。在基于ECK的选择中,我们提供了平均SNR和中断概率改善的分析表达式。对于使用基于 SCK 的选择的情况,我们导出了编码增益的表达式。我们还进行了广泛的模拟研究,验证了我们的结果。



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