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Breeding system and pollination of selected orchids of the genus Chloraea (Orchidaceae) from central Chile


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The breeding system determines different ways whereby seeds will be produced, and the degree of dependency of plants on pollinators for seed set. The genus Chloraea (Orchiclaceae) has its main center of diversity in southern South America. There is only poor knowledge concerning its breeding system and pollination. We determined the breeding system of C crispa, C chrysantha, C galeata, and two color forms of C bletioides (yellow- and white-flowered forms). None of the species in this study produced fruits through apomixis or autogamy, thereby indicating a complete dependency on pollen and pollinators. Geitogamy did not differ significantly with respect to xenogamy excepting in the yellow-flowered form of C bletioides. Thus, the indexes of self-incompatibility For the white- and yellow-flowered forms of C bletioides, C galeata, C crispa, and C chrysantha, were 1.00, 0.56, 0.82, 1.09, and 0.81, respectively; indicating that, excluding the yellow-flowered form of C bletioides which must be regarded as partially self-incompatible, all orchids assessed are totally self-compatible plants. Natural fruiting in the yellow-flowered C bletioides, C chrysantha and C galeata was high, in spite of being nectarless orchids, since the availability of pollinators under natural conditions seemingly resulted unlimited. However, no pollinator was observed visiting C chrysantha and C galeata, whereas the yellow-flowered form of C bletioides was visited by hymenopterans and coleopterans. At contrast, reproductive success of the white-flowered form of C bletioides and C crispa was pollen limited, the former being visited by hymenopterans, dipterans, and colepterans; and the latter by two hymenopterans. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:育种系统决定了产生种子的不同方式,以及植物对传粉媒介的依赖程度。绿藻属(兰科)在南美洲南部具有主要的多样性中心。关于其繁殖系统和授粉的知识很少。我们确定了C crista,C chrysantha,C galeata和两种B. bletioides颜色形式(黄色和白色花朵形式)的繁殖系统。该研究中没有一个物种通过无融合生殖或同卵生殖产生果实,从而表明完全依赖花粉和授粉媒介。异种配偶在异种配偶方面没有显着差异,除了黄色的C. bletioides形式。因此,白色和黄色花朵形式的牛油菌,牛油菌,牛油菌和牛油菌的自我不相容性指数分别为1.00、0.56、0.82、1.09和0.81。这表明,除必须被视为部分自我不相容的黄色花朵的牛油菌外,所有评估的兰花都是完全自我相容的植物。尽管是无花蜜的兰花,但黄色花朵的C Bletioides,C chrysantha和C galeata的自然结实率很高,这是因为在自然条件下可获得的传粉媒介似乎无穷无尽。然而,没有观察到授粉者访问C. chrysantha和C. galeata,而膜翅目和鞘翅目访问了黄色花朵的C. bletioides。相比之下,白花形式的C. bletioides和C crispa的繁殖成功是有限的花粉,前者被膜翅目,双翅目和秋葵科拜访。后者由两个膜翅目昆虫组成。 (c)2008 Elsevier GmbH。版权所有。



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