首页> 外文期刊>Fishery Bulletin >In cold blood: evidence of Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) predation on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Gulf of Alaska

In cold blood: evidence of Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) predation on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Gulf of Alaska

机译:冷血:阿拉斯加湾斯特勒海狮(Eumetopias jubatus)捕食太平洋鲨鱼(Somniosus pacificus)的证据

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Temperature data received post mortem in 2008-13 from 15 of 36 juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) that had been surgically implanted in 2005-11 with dual life history transmitters (LHX tags) indicated that all 15 animals died by predation. In 3 of those 15 cases, at least 1 of the 2 LHX tags was ingested by a cold-blooded predator, and those tags recorded, immediately after the sea lion's death, temperatures that corresponded to deepwater values. These tags were regurgitated or passed 5-11 days later by predators. Once they sensed light and air, the tags commenced transmissions as they floated at the ocean surface, reporting temperatures that corresponded to regional sea-surface estimates. The circumstances related to the tag in a fourth case were ambiguous. In the remaining 11 cases, tags sensed light and air immediately after the sea lion's death and reported temperatures that corresponded to estimates of regional sea-surface temperatures. In these 11 cases, circumstances did not allow for inferences on the species of predator. Among reported poikilotherm predators of Steller sea lions, only the Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus) is known to have body core temperatures that are near ambient. The data from this study indicate that Pacific sleeper sharks need to be considered as a possible source of mortality of juvenile Steller sea lions in the region of the Gulf of Alaska.
机译:在2008-13年度的尸体温度数据中,从2005-11年度用双生命史发射器(LHX标签)进行手术植入的36头斯特勒海狮(Eumetopias jubatus)中的15头得到的数据显示,所有15只动物均因捕食而死亡。在这15例病例中的3例中,两个LHX标签中的至少1个被冷血掠食者摄取,并且这些标签在海狮死亡后立即记录了与深水值相对应的温度。这些标签被掠食者反流或在5-11天后通过。一旦他们感知到了光和空气,标签就开始在它们漂浮在海面时进行传输,并报告与区域海面估计值相对应的温度。在第四种情况下,与标签有关的情况不明确。在其余的11种情况下,标签在海狮死亡后立即感知到了光线和空气,并报告了与区域海表温度估计值相对应的温度。在这11种情况下,情况不允许推断捕食者的种类。在报道的斯特勒海狮的食肉动物掠食性动物中,只有太平洋卧铺鲨(Somniosus pacificus)的体温接近环境温度。这项研究的数据表明,需要考虑将太平洋卧铺鲨鱼视为阿拉斯加湾地区幼小斯特勒海狮的死亡来源。



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