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Crop choice and planting time for upland crops in Northwest Cambodia


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Crop yields are declining in Northwest Cambodia and crop failure in the pre-monsoon season is commonplace with 69% of farmers surveyed stating that drought is a constraint to production. Farmers currently lack knowledge to adopt more sustainable farming practices. A trial was conducted in Samlout District, Battambang Province, Northwest Cambodia to investigate the feasibility of a sowing time two months later than typical local practices. The aim of the shift in sowing time was to, increase crop yield and reduce crop failure due to heat and drought stress throughout the season. A secondary aim was to compare sequences of continuous maize (Zea mays L.), and maize in rotation with peanut (Arachis hypogaea), sunflower (Helianthus annus), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) or mungbean (Vigna radiata). Sunflower and sorghum would be new crop type introductions, whilst the other crops are part of the traditional farming system in this region. The trial was undertaken for four cropping seasons over two years, during which time crops produced successful yields from the new sowing time windows. However, it was the maize-sunflower sequence that produced the highest gross margins. Maize-sunflower returns were $514 per hectare per annum more than the typical planting of continuous maize, and over $1100 per hectare per year higher than the other maize-legume and maize-sorghum rotations. Continuous maize produced the most stable yields across the four seasons and maize-sunflower produced the second highest mean yield. Results from modelling of soil moisture suggest that a shift in sowing time may avoid the extreme heat of the pre-monsoon season, and align crop growth stages with periods of more reliable rainfall. Site specific surface soil moisture data and rainfall was entered, into the APSIM model to predict the soil profile moisture throughout the growing season (r(2) = 0.73). Both the modelling and on-farm research resulted in higher crop yields compared with traditional practices and expectations, and a low probability of crop failure. Crops of maize, sunflower and sorghum grew well from an early October sowing date into the post monsoon season and produced good yields on stored soil water with low plant stress due to mild seasonal conditions. Delayed sowing may prove to be the best option for farmers in the Northwest upland, achieved by a simple shift of sowing dates. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:柬埔寨西北部地区的农作物产量正在下降,季风前季节的农作物歉收司空见惯,接受调查的69%的农民表示干旱是生产的制约因素。农民目前缺乏采取更可持续的耕作方式的知识。在柬埔寨西北部的马德望省的萨姆劳特地区进行了一项试验,以调查播种时间比当地典型做法晚两个月的可行性。改变播种时间的目的是增加整个季节的作物产量,减少因高温和干旱造成的作物歉收。第二个目的是比较连续玉米(Zea mays L.)的序列,并与花生(Arachis hypogaea),向日葵(Helianthus annus),高粱(Sorghum bicolor),cow豆(Vigna unguiculata)或绿豆(Vigna radiata)轮作玉米)。向日葵和高粱将成为新的农作物类型,而其他农作物是该地区传统农作系统的一部分。在两年的四个种植季节内进行了该试验,在此期间,新的播种时间窗使农作物成功地增产。但是,玉米-向日葵序列产生了最高的毛利率。玉米向日葵的年收入比常规连续玉米种植高出514美元/公顷,每年比其他玉米-豆科植物和玉米-高粱轮作高出1100美元/公顷。在四个季节中,连续玉米的产量最高,玉米-向日葵的平均产量第二高。土壤湿度模型化的结果表明,播种时间的变化可以避免季风前季节的高温,并使作物生长阶段与更可靠的降雨保持一致。将特定地点的表层土壤水分数据和降雨输入到APSIM模型中,以预测整个生长期的土壤剖面水分(r(2)= 0.73)。与传统做法和预期相比,建模和农场研究均导致更高的农作物产量,并且农作物歉收的可能性很小。从10月初播种期到季风后季节,玉米,向日葵和高粱的作物生长良好,由于温和的季节条件,其在土壤水分较低且储存压力较低的情况下,在储存的土壤水中产生了良好的单产。通过简单地改变播种日期,延迟播种可能被证明是西北高地农民的最佳选择。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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