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Dry matter yield and nutritive value of corn, forage sorghum, and BMR forage sorghum at different plant populations and nitrogen rates


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Total on-farm inputs must be reduced in order to ensure agricultural sustainability as input costs increase worldwide. Forage sorghum [FS; Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] may provide an acceptable, lower cost alternative to corn (Zea mays L.) grown for silage as available irrigation continues to decline in semi-arid regions of the world. Also, plant populations and nitrogen fertilizers need to be reduced as much as possible so that waste is minimized and resource use efficiency is maximized. Reducing plant populations and N fertilizer may affect yield and nutritive value of FS and corn when grown in limited irrigation situations. A 2-year study was conducted to investigate the effects of planting rates (PR) and nitrogen rates (NR) on corn, conventional forage sorghum (C-FS) and brown midrib forage sorghum (BMR-FS) on dry matter (DM) yield and forage quality. Irrigation applied was 33mmweekp#, an amount that is limiting for corn production in warm, semi-arid regions. Planting rates were: low (55,575 and 185,250plantshap#); medium (66,690 and 222,300plantshap#); and high (74,100 and 247,000plantshap#) for corn and both FS, respectively. Nitrogen rates for C-FS and corn were: low (218kghap#) and high (291kghap#); and for BMR-FS were low (106kghap#) and high (140kghap#). All three crops were harvested at optimum DM content (35-40%) for ensiling. Over 2 years, there was no effect of PR or NR on DM yield, NDF, NDFD or NEL; however, crop did have an effect. Conventional FS and corn were similar in DM yield (24.4Mghap#), but greater than BMR-FS (21.1Mghap#). In general, crude protein (CP) was similar among all three crops; however, CP of C-FS was lower than that of corn and BMR-FS at the low NR. At the low NR, increasing PR to medium' or high' resulted in reduced CP. Corn contained the greatest net energy (NEL; 1.15Mcalkgp#), but lowest neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD; 62.0% of NDF). While BMR-FS had high NDFD (74.5% of NDF), its NEL was similar to that of C-FS (1.03Mcalkgp#). Results indicate that production inputs of seed and N fertility can be reduced considerably without negative effects on performance of these silage crops grown with reduced irrigation.
机译:必须减少农场上的总投入,以确保随着全球投入成本的增加,农业的可持续性。饲料高粱[FS;随着世界半干旱地区可用灌溉量的持续下降,高粱可能成为青贮玉米(Zea mays L.)的替代品。另外,需要尽可能减少植物种群和氮肥,以使浪费最小化,资源利用效率最大化。在有限的灌溉条件下种植时,减少植物种群和氮肥可能会影响FS和玉米的产量和营养价值。进行了为期2年的研究,以调查种植率(PR)和氮肥(NR)对玉米,常规饲用高粱(C-FS)和棕色中肋饲用高粱(BMR-FS)对干物质(DM)的影响产量和草料质量。灌溉量为33mmweekp#,这个数量限制了温暖半干旱地区玉米的生产。播种率:低(55,575和185,250 shaps#);中(66,690和222,300plantshap#);玉米和两个FS的最高分别为74,100和247,000plantshap#。 C-FS和玉米的氮含量分别为:低(218kghap#)和高(291kghap#);对于BMR-FS,低(106kghap#)和高(140kghap#)。所有三种农作物均以最适干物质含量(35-40%)收获,以保鲜。在2年多的时间里,PR或NR对DM产量,NDF,NDFD或NEL均无影响;但是,作物确实有效果。常规FS和玉米的DM产量相似(24.4Mghap#),但高于BMR-FS(21.1Mghap#)。总体而言,三种作物中的粗蛋白(CP)相似。然而,在低NR下,C-FS的CP低于玉米和BMR-FS。在低NR时,将PR增加到“中”或“高”会导致CP降低。玉米的最大净能量(NEL; 1.15Mcalkgp#),但中性洗涤剂纤维的消化率最低(NDFD; NDF的62.0%)。虽然BMR-FS具有较高的NDFD(占NDF的74.5%),但其NEL与C-FS(1.03Mcalkgp#)相似。结果表明,可以大大减少种子和氮肥的生产投入,而不会对这些灌溉减少的青贮作物的生长产生负面影响。



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