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Live Diets for Pacu Larvae Tested in Peru


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The results of a study in Peru that evaluated three food sources for larval C. macropomum and P. bra-chypomus indicated that although Artemia are a more readily available and reliable larval food source, Moina sp. appear to be a cost-effective substitute for use in the Amazon Basin.Commercial fisheries in the Amazon region have increased drastically in the last decade, and signs of overfishing of the most prominent fish species are apparent. Through concerted efforts by several Amazon institutions, particularly in Brazil and Peru,and foreign organizations, small- and large-scale fish culture now supplies part of the demand for most of these commercial species and helps preserve the fisheries. Colossoma macropomum, commonly called black pacu in English, gami-tana in Peru, and tambaqui in Brazil; and Piaractus brachypomus, red pacu in English, paco in Peru, and pira-pitinga in Brazil, have excellent flesh quality, fast growth, and low protein requirements that make them suitable for aquaculture. As a consequence, fingerling demand for the fish has increased. Fingerling production in the Amazon must address the limited knowledge of alternative local food sources for larval and postlarval fish stages.
机译:在秘鲁进行的一项研究评估了幼虫C. macropomum和P. bra-chypomus的三种食物来源的研究结果表明,尽管卤虫是更容易获得和可靠的幼虫食物来源,但Moina sp。在过去的十年中,亚马逊地区的商业渔业急剧增加,最主要鱼类的过度捕捞迹象也很明显。在几个亚马逊机构,特别是在巴西和秘鲁,以及外国组织的共同努力下,小型和大型鱼类养殖现在满足了大多数这些商业物种的部分需求,并有助于保护渔业。巨大巨像,在英语中通常被称为black pacu,在秘鲁被称为gami-tana,在巴西被称为tambaqui;和Piaractus brachypomus(英语中的红色pacu,秘鲁的paco和巴西的pira-pitinga)具有优异的肉质,快速生长和低蛋白要求,使其适合水产养殖。结果,对鱼的鱼种需求增加了。亚马逊地区的鱼种生产必须解决对幼体和幼体鱼类阶段替代当地食物来源的有限了解。



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