首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Satellite-derived estimates of evapotranspiration in the Gediz basin

Satellite-derived estimates of evapotranspiration in the Gediz basin


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Satellite-derived estimates of the regional evapotranspiration in the Gediz basin, Turkey, art: presented. The remote sensing approach applied is based on a feedback relationship in which the surface temperature is used to obtain the vapour pressure deficit in the overlying air. The method has the advantage of allowing for the application of remotely sensed data in conjunction with conventional evapotranspiration models. It also represents a convenient approach for the application of satellite-derived estimates of regional evapotranspiration within hydrological models. The feedback relationship was applied in conjunction with NOAA-AVHRR and LANDSAT images of the region obtained for two selected dates in summer of 1998: the surface temperature, vapour pressure deficit and net radiation estimates derived from the satellite images were applied within a conventional evapotranspiration model to produce daily estimates. Data obtained from tower-mounted instrumentation in the agricultural region of the Gediz basin are used to verify the estimates of the input variables. The results from both remote sensing platforms showed evapotranspiration rates in the range of 2.5-4.5 mm/d for the basin. Crown Copyright (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. References: 16
机译:对土耳其盖迪兹盆地区域蒸散量的卫星估计,艺术:呈现。所采用的遥感方法基于反馈关系,其中使用表面温度来获得上覆空气中的蒸气压不足。该方法的优点是允许将遥感数据与传统的蒸散模型结合使用。它还代表了在水文模型中应用卫星得出的区域蒸散估计的便捷方法。反馈关系与1998年夏季两个选定日期获得的NOAA-AVHRR和LANDSAT区域图像一起应用:从卫星图像得出的地表温度、蒸气压亏差和净辐射估计值应用于常规蒸散模型,以产生每日估计值。从Gediz盆地农业区的塔式仪器获得的数据用于验证输入变量的估计值。两个遥感平台的结果显示,该盆地的蒸散速率在2.5-4.5 mm/d之间。Crown 版权所有 (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。[参考资料: 16]



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