首页> 外文期刊>Journal of environmental & engineering geophysics >Application of EM methods for the investigation of Qiyueshan Tunnel, China

Application of EM methods for the investigation of Qiyueshan Tunnel, China


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A successful case history of applying the high-frequency passive source electromagnetic (EM) method and controlled-source audiomagnetotellurics (CSAMT) to investigate the Qiyueshan (Q) Tunnel route is presented in this paper. The high-frequency EM system (EH-4, with frequency range from 90 KHz to 12.8 Hz) and the CSAMT system (V6-A Multipurpose Receiver, with frequency range from 8,192 Hz to 0.125 Hz) were used for the data acquisition. The orthogonal components of the electromagnetic field were measured in the high frequency EM method, while scalar measurements of the electrical and magnetic field components were used in the CSAMT method. The relevant electrical properties of the earth were extracted from the electromagnetic profiles. High frequency EM has high resolution in the shallow earth but a smaller depth of exploration, while the CSAMT method has a powerful signal but a lower resolution in the shallow earth. The integration of the two methods might be effective for the survey of the deep tunnel route. Q Tunnel, located in central south China, has a length of 10 km and a depth of up to 900 m. Half of the tunnel goes through karst terrain, where the geologic structures are very complex, due to cavities, underground rivers and faults. The EM mapping results distinguish the electrical resistivity of different rock formations. Five low-resistivity areas and four high-resistivity areas were found and nine faults were verified by the EM method. These findings were very useful for the later engineering design.
机译:本文介绍了应用高频无源源电磁(EM)方法和可控源音频大地电磁学(CSAMT)研究齐岳山(Q)隧道路线的成功案例。采用高频电磁系统(EH-4,频率范围为90 KHz至12.8 Hz)和CSAMT系统(V6-A多用途接收机,频率范围为8,192 Hz至0.125 Hz)进行数据采集。电磁场的正交分量采用高频电磁法测量,CSAMT法采用电场和磁场分量的标量测量。从电磁剖面中提取了地球的相关电特性。高频电磁在浅层地球具有较高的分辨率,但探测深度较小,而CSAMT方法在浅层具有强大的信号,但具有较低的分辨率。这两种方法的整合可能对深隧道路线的勘测有效。Q隧道位于中国中南部,全长10公里,深度达900米。隧道的一半穿过喀斯特地形,由于空洞、地下河和断层,地质结构非常复杂。电磁测绘结果区分了不同岩层的电阻率。发现了5个低电阻率区和4个高电阻率区,并利用电磁方法验证了9个故障。这些发现对后来的工程设计非常有用。



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