首页> 外文期刊>地球科学国际期刊(英文) >Seepage Investigation on an Existing Dam Using Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) Methods: A Case Study of Shagari Earth Dam, Sokoto, North Western Nigeria

Seepage Investigation on an Existing Dam Using Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) Methods: A Case Study of Shagari Earth Dam, Sokoto, North Western Nigeria


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Very low frequency (VLF-EM) was used to assess variations in overburden composition, bedrock lithology and the hidden Sedimentary structures within the foundation of Shagari Dam of the sedimentary basin of Northwestern Nigeria. Four VLF-electromagnetic (EM) traverses were occupied at 10 m in-tervals. The VLF normal and filtered real component irregularities identify major geological interfaces suspected to be faults/fractured zones. The points of crossover between the real and imaginary components delineate the fractured zones, which were identified as areas of possible seepage (sloughing and piping). The fractured zones are suspected to be present at all traverses. In total, 38 fractured zones were identified along the dam embankment and canal site, while 17 major fractures occurrence dippers along the Traverses at a point, Traverse 1 (F3, F4, F5, F7, F10, F11), Traverse 2 (F12, F13, F21, F22), Traverse 3 (F23, F24, F29) and Traverse 4 (F32, F33, F34, F38), and coincide with cross over point at 4 traverses. These seepage zones cause heterogeneity in the sub-surface structure that could be prime to dam failure which in turn leads to the flooding, decreases in irrigations activities of the peoples leaving around the dam and loss of several hundreds of life when care not taken. The result of the study suggests that VLF is suitable for observing seepages in embankment dams.
机译:非常低的频率(VLF-EM)用于评估尼日利亚西北部沉积盆地Shagari大坝基础内覆盖层组成,基岩岩性岩性结构,基岩岩性岩性结构和隐藏沉积结构的变化。四个VLF电磁(EM)横向占地10米。 VLF正常和过滤的真实组件不规则识别怀疑是故障/骨折区域的主要地质界面。实部和虚部组件之间的交叉点描绘了骨折区域,该区域被识别为可能渗出的区域(脱落和管道)。怀疑骨折区域以所有横向存在。总共沿着坝堤和运河部位识别了38个裂缝区,而17个主要骨折在横向的跳闸处发生跳闸,横向1(F3,F4,F5,F7,F10,F11),横向2(F12, F13,F21,F22),横向3(F23,F24,F29)和横向4(F32,F33,F34,F38),并且在4个横向时与交叉点重合。这些渗流区域导致子表面结构中的异质性,这些结构可以是坝体故障的灌浆,这反过来导致洪水,人民的灌溉活动减少,当不行时,人民留在大坝周围的损失和数百人生的损失。该研究的结果表明,VLF适用于观察路堤水坝的渗漏。




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