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In Vitro Fatigue Properties of Prototype Textile Components of Endovascular Devices


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The fatigue resistance of twelve tubular textile samples designed for use in prototype endovascular devices was tested by an accelerated fatigue tester. Three time points were selected, namely 0, 26x 10~6, and 100x 10~6 cycles, which are equivalent to 0, 10 months, and 38.5 months implanted in the human body. Changes in tubular diameter, woven fabric count, thickness, mass per unit area, porosity, water permeability, and bursting strength were selected to characterize the performance of these samples before and after fatigue testing. The results showed that all the samples experienced some fatigue during the study, and the evidence of fatigue became more apparent with increasing time. There were clearly observable relationships between the textile parameters and the fatigue performance of the prototype samples. Woven construction, yarn size and yarn type all interacted with each other to influence the fatigue performance. Samples with twill weaves fatigued more readily than those with a 1/1 plain weave. For all three woven constructions, samples with larger yarn size fatigued more easily. However, the fatigue performance of some samples with multifilament weft yarns is severe.
机译:通过加速疲劳测试仪测试了十二种设计用于血管内原型设备的管状纺织品样品的抗疲劳性。选择了三个时间点,分别是0、26x 10〜6和100x 10〜6个周期,分别相当于植入人体的0、10个月和38.5个月。选择在疲劳测试之前和之后的管状直径,机织织物支数,厚度,单位面积质量,孔隙率,透水性和破裂强度的变化以表征这些样品的性能。结果表明,所有样品在研究过程中都出现了疲劳,并且随着时间的增加,疲劳的证据变得更加明显。在纺织品参数和原型样品的疲劳性能之间存在明显可观察的关系。机织结构,纱线尺寸和纱线类型相互影响,从而影响疲劳性能。具有斜纹组织的样品比具有1/1平纹组织的样品更容易疲劳。对于所有三种编织结构,纱线尺寸较大的样品更容易疲劳。然而,一些具有复丝纬纱的样品的疲劳性能很严重。



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