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Microstructural analyses of sedimentary Halimeda segments from the Spermonde Archipelago (SW Sulawesi, Indonesia): a new indicator for sediment transport in tropical reef islands?


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Understanding the origin of sediments and the direction of sediment transport is a prerequisite for accurate reconstruction of reef island evolution. In tropical settings, island development depends on the accumulation of sediments on the reef flat, which are produced by calcifying organisms such as corals, foraminifera, and green macro-algae of the genus Halimeda. In certain areas of tropical regions, calcareous segments from these algae might account for more than 50 wt% of the coarser sediment fraction. Halimeda-rich sediments typically contain complete segments that become widely distributed to a range of sedimentary settings. However, the exact sedimentary pathway is either mostly unknown or was neglected. Here we show that the alteration of Halimeda segments from the Spermonde Archipelago (SW Sulawesi, Indonesia) is related to processes during transport and deposition. Using field observations and scanning electron microscopy we observed that Halimeda segments, sampled from the reef flat to the shore on four uninhabited islands, without exception belong to the grain-size class of pebble gravel (1.6 > 0.4 cm; medium-to-fine pebbles) and reveal characteristic patterns of external and internal microstructural alteration with respect to sampling area. Furthermore, Halimeda species, from which most of these segments originate, preferably inhabit hard substrates in the reef, on the reef crest, and the outer reef flat. Thus, the observed distinct microstructural alteration of the segments allows drawing conclusions on sediment transport and deposition. Particularly, rapid secondary cementation may preserve the segments as a sedimentary component for the development and maintenance of reef islands and coastlines in tropical shallow seas.
机译:了解沉积物的起源和沉积物的运输方向是准确重建礁岛演化的前提。在热带环境中,岛屿的发展取决于沉积在礁滩上的沉积物,这些沉积物是由钙化的生物(如珊瑚,有孔虫和Halimeda属的绿色藻类)形成的。在热带地区的某些地区,这些藻类的钙质部分可能占较粗泥沙比例的50%以上。富含Halimeda的沉积物通常包含完整的分段,这些分段已广泛分布到各种沉积环境中。但是,确切的沉积途径要么鲜为人知,要么被忽略。在这里,我们显示了来自Spermonde群岛(印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛)的Halimeda区段的变化与运输和沉积过程有关。使用现场观察和扫描电子显微镜,我们观察到从四个无人岛上的礁滩到岸边采样的哈利米达扇形段,均属于卵石砾石的粒度类别(1.6> 0.4 cm;中至细卵石) ),并揭示出相对于采样面积的内部和外部微观结构变化的特征模式。此外,这些片段的大部分起源于哈利门达菌种,优选栖息在礁石,礁顶和礁石外滩的坚硬基质中。因此,观察到的不同的片段微结构变化可以得出关于沉积物迁移和沉积的结论。特别是,快速的二次胶结作用可能会将这些段保留为沉积组分,以发展和维持热带浅海中的礁岛和海岸线。



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