首页> 外文期刊>Facies >A sequence stratigraphical model for the Late Ludfordian (Silurian) of Gotland, Sweden: implications for timing between changes in sea level, palaeoecology, and the global carbon cycle

A sequence stratigraphical model for the Late Ludfordian (Silurian) of Gotland, Sweden: implications for timing between changes in sea level, palaeoecology, and the global carbon cycle


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This paper investigates a time interval within the Late Ludfordian (Late Silurian), involving changes in faunal composition (the Lau Event), a major positive carbon isotope excursion (CIE), and contemporaneous sea-level changes in remote palaeo-basins. Based on the Silurian strata of Gotland (Sweden), we integrate sequence stratigraphy, carbon isotope stratigraphy, and platform-scale palaeoecological changes associated with this turbulent time period in Earth history. Three depositional sequences (sequences Nos. 1-3), including two separate periods of forced regression (falling stage systems tracts, FSSTs) are identified from outcrop and drillcore studies. The sequence stratigraphical framework is interpreted to reflect glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The CIE starts at the onset of the initial FSST (sequence No. 1), just below the last appearance datum of the conodont Polygnathoides siluricus. The values increase through the ensuing lowstand and transgressive systems tracts (LST and TST) of sequence No. 2 and peak in the following highstand systems tract (HST). A second forced regression (FSST of sequence No. 2) took place in the lower Ozarkodina snajdri Zone. delta C-13 data are scarce from these siliciclastic strata, but inferably remain high. The delta C-13 values increase within the LST and earliest TST of sequence No. 3, before a decreasing trend starts within the early TST. delta C-13 values return to pre-excursion levels within the ensuing HST. The CIE is closely associated with an increase in stromatolites (mats and oncoids) across a wide range of depths and sedimentary environments, and correlations to other basins indicate a global increase in cyanobacterial activity. A drastic decline in level-bottom benthic faunas during the FSST of sequence No. 2 is, however, interpreted as a local response to the progradation of a delta complex (the Burgsvik Sandstone). Biological carbonate production replenishes rapidly within the TST of sequence No. 3, succeeding a thin LST dominated by reworked siliciclastics and chemically precipitated carbonates (ooids). The detailed relationship between the CIE and sea-level change presented herein is not fully consistent with previous reports on the CIEs associated with the lower Silurian Ireviken and Mulde events, respectively. Based on our facies analysis and sequence stratigraphical interpretation, two main mechanisms are suggested as responsible for the Late Ludfordian CIE: (1) a change in the riverine C-weathering flux towards the C-13 end member following glacio-eustatically induced subaerial exposure of carbonate platforms throughout the tropics, and, (2) increased photosynthetic activity by benthic cyanobacteria exaggerating the delta C-13 values of precipitated carbonates.
机译:本文调查了晚卢德福期(晚志留纪)内的时间间隔,其中涉及动物组成的变化(劳事件),主要的正碳同位素偏移(CIE)以及偏远古盆地的同时海平面变化。基于哥得兰(瑞典)的志留系地层,我们整合了与地球历史上这一动荡时期相关的层序地层学,碳同位素地层学和平台规模的古生态变化。从露头研究和钻芯研究中确定了三个沉积层序(第1-3号序列),包括两个单独的强迫回归期(下降期系统域,FSST)。解释了层序地层学框架,以反映冰川消融的海平面变化。 CIE从初始FSST(序列号1)的开始处开始,恰好在牙形齿Polygnathoides siluricus的最后出现数据之下。该值在随后的低序和海侵系统序列2(序列号2)中升高,并在随后的高分系统域(HST)中达到峰值。在Ozarkodina snajdri下部地区进行了第二次强制回归(序列2的FSST)。这些硅质碎屑岩层缺乏C-13三角洲的数据,但据推测仍然很高。在序列号3的LST和最早的TST中,增量C-13值在TST早期的趋势开始下降之前就增加了。在随后的HST中,增量C-13值将返回到偏移前的水平。 CIE与广泛深度和沉积环境中叠层石(垫层和类瘤体)的增加密切相关,与其他盆地的相关性表明蓝藻活动总体上增加。然而,在序列2的FSST期间,水平底栖动物群的急剧下降被解释为对三角洲复合体(伯格斯维克砂岩)升级的局部反应。在序列号3的TST中,生物碳酸盐的产量迅速得到补充,这是由重加工的硅质碎屑和化学沉淀的碳酸盐(类固醇)主导的稀薄的LST。本文介绍的CIE和海平面变化之间的详细关系与先前分别与较低志留纪Ireviken事件和Mulde事件有关的CIE的报道并不完全一致。根据我们的相分析和层序地层解释,提出了造成拉德福德晚期CIE的两个主要机制:(1)冰川-冰激凌引起的航道下气暴露导致河流C风化通量向C-13末端的变化。 (2)通过底栖蓝细菌扩大光合作用,夸大了沉淀碳酸盐的δC-13值。



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