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The impact of atmospheric pCO(2) on carbon isotope ratios of the atmosphere and ocean


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It is well known that the equilibration timescale for the isotopic ratios C-13/C-12 and C-14/C-12 in the ocean mixed layer is on the order of a decade, 2 orders of magnitude slower than for oxygen. Less widely appreciated is the fact that the equilibration timescale is quite sensitive to the speciation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the mixed layer, scaling linearly with the ratio DIC/CO2, which varies inversely with atmospheric pCO(2). Although this effect is included in models that resolve the role of carbon speciation in air-sea exchange, its role is often unrecognized, and it is not commonly considered in the interpretation of carbon isotope observations. Here we use a global three-dimensional ocean model to estimate the redistribution of the carbon isotopic ratios between the atmosphere and ocean due solely to variations in atmospheric pCO(2). Under Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) pCO(2), atmospheric Delta C-14 is increased by approximate to 30 parts per thousand due to the speciation change, all else being equal, raising the surface reservoir age by about 250 years throughout most of the ocean. For C-13, enhanced surface disequilibrium under LGM pCO(2) causes the upper ocean, atmosphere, and North Atlantic Deep Water delta C-13 to become at least 0.2 parts per thousand higher relative to deep waters ventilated by the Southern Ocean. Conversely, under high pCO(2), rapid equilibration greatly decreases isotopic disequilibrium. As a result, during geological periods of high pCO(2), vertical Delta C-13 gradients may have been greatly weakened as a direct chemical consequence of the high pCO(2), masquerading as very well ventilated or biologically dead Strangelove Oceans. The ongoing anthropogenic rise of pCO(2) is accelerating the equilibration of the carbon isotopes in the ocean, lowering atmospheric Delta C-14 and weakening delta C-13 gradients within the ocean to a degree that is similar to the traditional fossil fuel "Suess" effect.
机译:众所周知,海洋混合层中同位素比C-13 / C-12和C-14 / C-12的平衡时标大约是十年,比氧气慢2个数量级。平衡时间尺度对混合层中溶解的无机碳(DIC)的形态非常敏感,并且与DIC / CO2的比例成线性比例关系,而该比例与大气pCO(2)成反比,因此人们对此不太了解。尽管解决碳-碳形态在海-气交换中作用的模型中包括了这种效应,但其作用通常未被人们所认识,并且在解释碳同位素观测中通常不考虑这种作用。在这里,我们使用全球三维海洋模型来估算仅由于大气pCO(2)的变化而导致的大气与海洋之间碳同位素比的重新分布。在最后冰期最大值(LGM)pCO(2)下,由于形态变化,大气Delta C-14大约增加了千分之三十,在其他所有条件相同的情况下,在整个冰期中,地表储层的寿命增加了约250年。海洋。对于C-13,在LGM pCO(2)下增强的表面不平衡会导致上层海洋,大气层和北大西洋深水三角洲C-13相对于由南大洋通风的深水至少高出千分之0.2。相反,在高pCO(2)下,快速平衡大大降低了同位素不平衡。结果,在高pCO(2)的地质时期中,由于高pCO(2)的直接化学后果,垂直的Delta C-13梯度可能已大大减弱,从而伪装成通风良好或生物学上已死亡的Strangelove海洋。 pCO(2)的持续人为升高正在加速海洋中碳同位素的平衡,降低海洋中的大气Delta C-14并减弱海洋中的delta C-13梯度,其程度类似于传统的化石燃料“ Suess效果。



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