首页> 外文期刊>Early human development >High-dose vascular endothelial growth factor increases surfactant protein gene expressions in preterm rat lung.

High-dose vascular endothelial growth factor increases surfactant protein gene expressions in preterm rat lung.


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AIMS: To investigate the effects of intra-amniotic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment on surfactant pool sizes and surfactant protein (SP) gene expressions in fetal rat lung. METHOD: On the 18th day of gestation, an abdominal midline incision was performed on timed pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats and the two uterine horns were exposed. VEGF (2.5 microg or 5.0 microg) and saline were injected into the amniotic cavity of the left and right uterine horns, respectively. On the 19th day of gestation, fetuses were delivered by caesarean section. RESULTS: We analyzed the data between the fetuses within the same dam in each group. Mean fetal body weight and lung tissue saturated phosphatidylcholine and total phospholipids were comparable between control and VEGF-treated rats at each VEGF dosage. Lung SP mRNA expressions were comparable between control and VEGF 2.5 microg-treated rats. VEGF 5.0 microg treatment increased lung SP mRNA expressions and the values were statistically significant for SP-B and SP-D mRNAs when compared with the control rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that VEGF might have potential therapeutic implications in enhancing fetal lung maturation.
机译:目的:探讨羊膜内血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)对胎鼠肺表面活性剂池大小和表面活性蛋白(SP)基因表达的影响。方法:在妊娠的第18天,对定时怀孕的Sprague-Dawley大鼠进行腹部中线切口,并暴露两个子宫角。将VEGF(2.5微克或5.0微克)和生理盐水分别注入左和右子宫角的羊膜腔中。在妊娠第19天,通过剖腹产分娩胎儿。结果:我们分析了每组同一水坝内胎儿之间的数据。在每种VEGF剂量下,对照组和VEGF处理的大鼠的平均胎儿体重和肺组织饱和磷脂酰胆碱和总磷脂水平相当。肺SP mRNA表达在对照组和VEGF 2.5 microg处理的大鼠之间相当。 VEGF 5.0微克治疗可增加肺SP mRNA表达,与对照组相比,SP-B和SP-D mRNA的表达具有统计学意义。结论:这些结果表明VEGF可能在增强胎儿肺成熟方面具有潜在的治疗意义。



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