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Agricutural viodiversity to improve nutrition food security


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APROJECT AIMED at using research and education to tackle growing global concerns over the negative health implications of poor nutrition and also improve food security was officially launched during the World Nutrition Rio Congress 2012 in Rio recently. A narrowing of variety in people's diets, with nutritionally-poor processed foods dominating the dinner table, has led to a raft of health issues. One third of the world's population is suffering from hunger and micronutrient malnutrition, while obesity and diet-related chronic illnesses have reached critical levels. The diversity of crops and their wild relatives, trees, animals, microbes and other species contributing to food production - known as agricultural biodiversity - can counter these trends, said Emile Frison, Director General of Bioversity International, which is coordinating the project to further research and promote the links between biodiversity and good nutrition. "Diversity of diet, founded on diverse farming systems, delivers better nutrition and greater health, with additional benefits for human productivity and livelihoods," Frison said. "Agricultural biodiversity is absolutely essential to cope with the predicted impacts of climate change."
机译:最近在里约举行的2012年里约热内卢世界营养大会上,APROJECT AIMED通过研究和教育来解决全球对营养不良对健康的负面影响以及改善食品安全的日益关注的问题。人们饮食中种类繁多的食物,而营养不良的加工食品在餐桌上占主导地位,这导致了许多健康问题。世界人口的三分之一遭受饥饿和微量营养素营养不良的困扰,而肥胖和与饮食有关的慢性病已达到严重水平。国际生物多样性总干事埃米尔·弗里森说,农作物及其野生近缘种,树木,动物,微生物和其他有助于粮食生产的物种的多样性可以应对这些趋势。并促进生物多样性与良好营养之间的联系。弗里森说:“以多样化的农业系统为基础的饮食多样化,可以提供更好的营养和更好的健康状况,并为人类的生产力和生计带来额外的好处。” “农业生物多样性对于应对气候变化的预期影响绝对必不可少。”



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