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Mechanization the key to production increase at Les Serres Louis-Dupire

机译:机械化是Les Serres Louis-Dupire增产的关键

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Despite cutbacks, this municipal operation is now growing 70 per cent more flowers. In the last seven years, Les Serres Louis-Dupire in Montreal experienced a 33 per cent decrease in manpower. In the same period, however, its production of annual flowers to beautify the city of Montreal has increased by 70 per cent to reach 1.2-million plants annually. How did they manage it? "The staff is very innovative and everyone makes it a personal challenge to discover new and efficient ways to produce the annuals. Mechanization has helped us a great deal," says Pierre Jutras, the program manager.
机译:尽管削减了开支,但这个市政行动现在仍使鲜花增长了70%。在过去的七年中,蒙特利尔的莱斯·塞雷斯·路易斯·杜佩尔(Les Serres Louis-Dupire)的人力减少了33%。然而,在同一时期,为了美化蒙特利尔市,其一年生花卉的产量增加了70%,达到每年120万株。他们是如何管理的?项目经理皮埃尔·尤特拉斯(Pierre Jutras)表示:“员工的创新能力非常强,每个人都面临着发现新的,高效的年鉴制作方法的挑战。机械化为我们提供了很大帮助。”



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