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Greenhouse technology advances Mars research


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The next three years will see baseline data gathered as the U of G facility becomes operational and plants are grown and monitored. The harsh climate and powerful winds of Devon Island, the largest uninhabited island on this planet, make it an unlikely destination for Canadians getting away for the summer. But a University of Guelph/Canadian Space Agency collaborative research team worked there this summer in the first phase of a three-year research initiative for advanced life support in space. Dr. Alain Berinstain and Keegan Boyd of the Canadian Space Agency, along with University of Guelph Prof. Mike Dixon and research assistant Tom Graham, both of the Department of Plant Agriculture, are spearheading the project. Berinstain, Graham and Keeganwere charged with the task of erecting a greenhouse on the island, and establishing the necessary sensory and monitoring systems (during the remaining 46 weeks of the year, the team will monitor the greenhouse via the Internet). All of these steps are fairly straight-forward, but dealing with high winds, harsh temperatures and 24-hour sunlight poses new challenges. Researchers hope to identify the ways in which technology needs to be adapted to function in the even harsher conditions of Mars. Devon Island is in the Canadian Territory of Nunavut and has a polar desert climate, with no vegetation and very little life. Its geology and landscape, including a well-preserved impact crater, are comparable to Mars. Temperatures range from -40 deg C to 20 deg Cand the island is home to visitors for only about six to eight weeks a year, during July and August. During these weeks, international research teams visit the island as its unique and pristine environment make it ideal for research related to the Marsmission.
机译:在未来的三年中,随着U G工厂的投入运营以及植物的生长和监测,将收集基准数据。德文岛(Devon Island)是地球上最大的无人居住的岛屿,其恶劣的气候和强劲的风使它成为加拿大人在夏天出行的不太可能的目的地。但是,圭尔夫大学/加拿大航天局的一个协作研究小组于今年夏天在三年研究计划的第一阶段在那里工作,该计划旨在为太空提供高级生命支持。加拿大航天局的Alain Berinstain博士和Keegan Boyd博士以及圭尔夫大学的植物农业系的Mike Dixon教授和研究助理Tom Graham都是该项目的带头人。 Berinstain,Graham和Keeganwe负责在岛上建立温室并建立必要的感官和监视系统的任务(在一年的剩余46周中,该小组将通过互联网监视温室)。所有这些步骤都是相当简单的,但是应对大风,恶劣的温度和24小时的阳光照射提出了新的挑战。研究人员希望找出在火星甚至更严酷的条件下适应技术的方法。德文岛(Devon Island)位于加拿大努纳武特(Nunavut)领土,属极地沙漠气候,没有植被,几乎没有生命。其地质和景观,包括保存完好的撞击坑,可与火星媲美。温度范围从-40摄氏度到20摄氏度。坎德岛每年7月和8月仅接待游客约六至八周。在这几周中,国际研究团队访问了该岛,因为其独特而原始的环境使其成为与Marsmission有关的研究的理想之选。



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