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Burning Solutions


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There's no need to go out on a limb with biomass combustion technology. Very small scale CHP or "biorefinery" technology may be a different matter. The good news for Canadians hoping to use forest biomass for heat is that proven technology is readilyavailable at just about any scale, from wood-burning stoves to the largest commercial plant. The fibre supply and boiler still need to be carefully matched, and supply logistics analyzed in detail, but you shouldn't have to gamble with your capital investment. The same can be said for combined heat and power (CHP) or power generation at larger scales, say 10 MW or higher. But once you start looking at the smaller scale projects, and certainly below 3 MW, cost-effective examples of these are the exception rather than the rule in the current Canadian context. Similarly, once we start talking about "biorefineries", whether to create gas, liquid, or solid fuels, we're moving even farther into the experimental or prototype realm, where those new to the field or without deeper pockets should be careful. But first, to the relatively simple world of biomass combustion for heat, where industrial options include grate furnaces and fluidized beds.
机译:无需借助生物质燃烧技术。非常小的CHP或“生物精炼”技术可能是另一回事。对于希望将森林生物质用于取暖的加拿大人来说,好消息是,从木材燃烧炉到最大的商业工厂,几乎任何规模的成熟技术都可轻易获得。纤维供应和锅炉仍然需要仔细匹配,并详细分析供应物流,但是您不必押注资本投资。对于热电联产(CHP)或更大规模的发电(例如10 MW或更高),可以说是相同的。但是,一旦您开始研究规模较小且肯定低于3兆瓦的项目,在加拿大当前的情况下,这些具有成本效益的示例就是例外,而不是常规。同样,一旦我们开始谈论“生物精炼厂”,无论是生产天然气,液体燃料还是固体燃料,我们都将进一步发展到实验领域或原型领域,在这些领域中,新领域或没有更雄厚实力的领域应格外小心。但是首先,相对简单的生物质燃烧取暖世界,工业选择包括炉排炉和流化床。



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