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'Outsourcing of Services will be kev to success'


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Nowadays, an individual farmer is expected to increase production and yield of his undertaking. Accor-ding to Salmaso, the worldwide increase in demand for food will have to be combined with the absolute necessity of cultivating the soil with the least possible environmental impairment. A third-party provider will turn out to be the only qualified person, who will be capable of working competi-tively in an area, where a growing com-plexity can only be faced with intensive specialization and the ability to innovate. "About 534,000 agricultural undertakings are getting into contact with a third-party provider-this Stands for a share: of 33.4 per cent of all the undertakings. More tha'n 31,000 companies are registered as third-party provider by the Chambers of Commerce, among them more than 18,000 agricultural undertakings, where one or more processing Steps of cultivating land are carried out by third parties with their own agricultural machines", Salmaso explains based on the source Nomisma.
机译:如今,个体农民有望提高其生产的产量和单产。根据萨尔马索(Salmaso),全球对食物需求的增加将必须与绝对必要的,对土壤的耕种具有最小的环境损害相结合。最终,第三方提供商将成为唯一的合格人员,他们将能够在复杂性日益增强的地区仅需密集的专业化和创新能力,就可以在这一领域内竞争。 “约有534,000家农业企业与第三方供应商建立了联系-这占全部企业的33.4%。在商会中,有31,000多家公司注册为第三方供应商,其中有18,000多个农业企业,其中一个或多个耕种土地的加工步骤是由第三方使用自己的农业机械进行的。” Salmaso根据来源Nomisma解释说。



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