首页> 外文期刊>Grass and forage science: the journal of the British Grassland Society. >Effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilizer on forage yield, nitrogen- and water-use efficiency and nutritive value of an annual triple-crop complementary forage rotation.

Effects of sowing date and nitrogen fertilizer on forage yield, nitrogen- and water-use efficiency and nutritive value of an annual triple-crop complementary forage rotation.


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Complementary forage rotation (CFR) systems based on non-limiting inputs of fertilizer nitrogen (N) (~600 kg N ha-1) are perceived as uneconomic. An experiment was carried out in Australia to investigate the effects of rates and timing of N fertilizer and sowing date on yield, nutrient-use efficiency and nutritive value of a triple-crop (maize, forage rape, field peas) CFR system. Treatments were early- and late-sown maize grown with 0 or 135 kg fertilizer N ha-1 pre-sowing (N1) and 0, 79 or 158 kg N ha-1 post-sowing (N2). Forage rape was sown with 0 or 230 kg N ha-1 (N3) and field peas without N. Application of fertilizer N at N1, N2 and N3 increased CFR yield from 28.5 to 48.8 t dry matter (DM) ha-1 and irrigation water-use efficiency (IWUE) from 3.4 to 6.1 t DM per megalitre. Increase in yield and IWUE of CFR occurs at the expense of nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) as applications of N at N1, N2 and N3 decreased NUE of CFR from 524 to 91 kg DM kg-1N. Nutritive value, particularly metabolizable energy content of all forages, was similar among N treatments, and interactions between treatments were minimal. Results indicate that increase in NUE of CFR may occur at the expense of reduced yield, but increased IWUE need not compromise the yield of this CFR system.
机译:基于非限制性肥料氮(N)(〜600 kg N ha -1 )输入的补充饲草轮换(CFR)系统被认为是不经济的。在澳大利亚进行了一项实验,研究了氮肥施用量和时机以及播种日期对三作物(玉米,饲用油菜,豌豆)CFR系统的产量,养分利用效率和营养价值的影响。处理方式为早播和晚播玉米,播前(N1)分别为0或135 kg N ha -1 和0、79或158 kg N ha -1 播后(N2)。播种了0或230 kg N ha -1 (N3)的牧草和没有N的豌豆。在N1,N2和N3施氮肥可使CFR产量从28.5吨干物质增加到48.8吨( DM)ha -1 和灌溉用水效率(IWUE)从每兆升3.4到6.1 t DM。 CFR的产量和IWUE的增加是以氮利用效率(NUE)为代价的,因为在N1,N2和N3施氮使CFR的NUE从524降低到91 kg DM kg -1 N 。营养价值,特别是所有草料的代谢能含量,在N种处理之间相似,且处理之间的相互作用极小。结果表明,CFR的NUE的增加可能以降低产量为代价,但IWUE的增加不必损害该CFR系统的产量。



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