
Fish kill from ammonia release nets fine


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Franklin, Va.-Ashland Hercules has agreed with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to pay a $14,014 fine for an ammonia release that contaminated water, causing the deaths of hundreds of minnow-sized fish. According to DEQ Enforcement Specialist Paul Smith, the ammonia release Sept. 16 was caused by a refrigerant leak in a cooler pipe that came in contact with cooling water, but was not released into outside waters. "It didn't enter the Nottoway River, but the contaminated water was confined to the plant in a big ditch on the property before it reaches the outfall," Smith explained. He said there was no evidence the ammonia reached the river. Still, he estimated that there were enough minnows and small fish that were affected to fill four five-gallon buckets, and estimated that the numbers would be in the hundreds.
机译:弗吉尼亚州富兰克林-阿什兰·赫拉克勒斯已与弗吉尼亚州环境质量部(DEQ)达成协议,同意为污染水的氨气排放支付14014美元的罚款,导致数百只hundreds鱼大小的鱼死亡。据DEQ执法专家保罗·史密斯(Paul Smith)说,9月16日的氨释放是由于冷却剂管道中的制冷剂泄漏引起的,该管道与冷却水接触,但没有释放到外部水体中。史密斯解释说:“它没有进入诺托韦河,但是在污水排到排污口之前,污水被限制在该物业的大沟里。”他说,没有证据表明氨到达了河。尽管如此,他估计仍有足够的小鱼和小鱼被装满四个5加仑的水桶,而且估计数量将达到数百个。



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