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Modelling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOM3


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We model the potential vegetation and annual net primary production (NPP) of China on a 10' grid under the present climate using the processed-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3. The simulated distribution of the vegetation was in general in good agreement with the potential natural vegetation based on a numerical comparison between the two maps using the (#DELTA#V = 0.23). Predicted and measured NPP are also similar, especially in terms of biome-averages. A coupled-ocean-atmosphere general circulation model including sulphate aerosols was used to drive a double greenhouse gas scenario for 2070-2099. Simulated vegetation maps from two different CO_2 scenarios (340 and 500 p.p.m.v.) were compared to the baseline blome map using #DELTA#V, Climate change alone produced a large reduction in desert, a lpine tundra and ice/polar desert, and a general pole-ward shift of the boreal, temperate deciduous, warm-temperate evergreen and tropical forest belts, a decline in boreal deciduous forest and the appearance of tropical deciduous forest. The inclusion of CO_2 physiological effects led to a marked decrease in moist savannas and desert, a general decrease for grasslands and steppe, and disappearance of xeric woodland/scrub. Temperate deciduous broadleaved forest, however, shifted north to occupy nearly half the area of previously temperate mixed forest. The impact of climate change and increasing CO_2 is not only on biogeography, but also on potential NPP. The NPP values for most of the biomes in the scenarios with CO_2 set at 340 p.p.m.v. and 500 p.p.m.v. are greater than those under the current climate, except for the temperate deciduous forest, temperate evergreen broadleaved forest, tropical tain forest, tropical seasinal forest, and xeric woodland/scrub biomes. Total vegetation and total carbon is simulated to increase significantly in the future climate scenario, both with and without the CO_2 direct physiological effect. Our results show that the global process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME3 can be used successfully at a regional scale.
机译:我们使用处理后的平衡陆地生物圈模型BIOME3,在当前气候下,在10'网格上模拟了中国潜在的植被和年净初级生产力(NPP)。根据两个地图之间使用(#DELTA#V = 0.23)进行的数值比较,模拟的植被分布通常与潜在的自然植被非常吻合。预测和测量的NPP也很相似,尤其是在生物群落平均值方面。包括硫酸盐气溶胶在内的海洋-大气耦合环流模型被用于驱动2070-2099年的双重温室气体情景。使用#DELTA#V将来自两种不同CO_2情景(340和500 ppmv)的模拟植被图与基线bloom图进行了比较,仅气候变化就导致沙漠,高山冻原和冰/极地沙漠以及大极地的大量减少。寒带,温带落叶,温带常绿和热带森林带向北移动,寒带落叶林的减少和热带落叶林的出现。包含CO_2的生理效应导致湿的稀树草原和沙漠的显着减少,草原和草原的总体减少,以及干燥的林地/灌木丛消失。然而,温带落叶阔叶林向北转移,占据了以前温带混交林面积的近一半。气候变化和CO_2的增加不仅影响生物地理,而且还影响潜在的NPP。在CO_2设置为340 p.p.m.v.的情况下,大多数生物群落的NPP值。和500 p.p.m.v.除了温带落叶林,温带常绿阔叶林,热带紫胶林,热带海生林和干性林地/灌丛生物群落外,其数量都比当前气候下的大。模拟总植被和总碳,无论有无CO_2直接生理效应,在未来的气候情景中均会显着增加。我们的结果表明,基于过程的全球平衡陆地生物圈模型BIOME3可以在区域规模上成功使用。



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