首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Marine extinction risk shaped by trait-environment interactions over 500 million years

Marine extinction risk shaped by trait-environment interactions over 500 million years


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Perhaps the most pressing issue in predicting biotic responses to present and future global change is understanding how environmental factors shape the relationship between ecological traits and extinction risk. The fossil record provides millions of years of insight into how extinction selectivity (i.e., differential extinction risk) is shaped by interactions between ecological traits and environmental conditions. Numerous paleontological studies have examined trait-based extinction selectivity; however, the extent to which these patterns are shaped by environmental conditions is poorly understood due to a lack of quantitative synthesis across studies. We conducted a meta-analysis of published studies on fossil marine bivalves and gastropods that span 458 million years to uncover how global environmental and geochemical changes covary with trait-based extinction selectivity. We focused on geographic range size and life habit (i.e., infaunal vs. epifaunal), two of the most important and commonly examined predictors of extinction selectivity. We used geochemical proxies related to global climate, as well as indicators of ocean acidification, to infer average global environmental conditions. Life-habit selectivity is weakly dependent on environmental conditions, with infaunal species relatively buffered from extinction during warmer climate states. In contrast, the odds of taxa with broad geographic ranges surviving an extinction (>2500km for genera, >500km for species) are on average three times greater than narrow-ranging taxa (estimate of odds ratio: 2.8, 95% confidence interval=2.3-3.5), regardless of the prevailing global environmental conditions. The environmental independence of geographic range size extinction selectivity emphasizes the critical role of geographic range size in setting conservation priorities.
机译:预测对当前和未来全球变化的生物反应时,最紧迫的问题可能是了解环境因素如何塑造生态特征与灭绝风险之间的关系。化石记录提供了数百万年的洞察力,以了解生态特征与环境条件之间的相互作用如何影响灭绝选择性(即不同的灭绝风险)。许多古生物学研究已经研究了基于特征的灭绝选择性。然而,由于缺乏跨研究的定量综合,人们对这些模式受环境条件影响的程度了解甚少。我们对已发表的有关化石海洋双壳类和腹足类动物的研究进行了荟萃分析,这些研究跨越了4.58亿年,以揭示全球环境和地球化学变化如何与基于特征的物种灭绝选择性共存。我们着眼于地理范围的大小和生活习惯(即不育与流行),这是灭绝选择性的最重要且最常被检查的两个预测因子。我们使用了与全球气候有关的地球化学代理以及海洋酸化的指标来推断平均全球环境状况。生活习性的选择几乎不依赖于环境条件,在较温暖的气候状态下,相对较稀少的物种更容易灭绝。相比之下,在灭绝后幸存下来的宽广分类单元的几率(一般大于2500 km,物种大于500 km)平均比窄范围的分类单元大三倍(估计比值比:2.8,95%置信区间= 2.3) -3.5),无论当前的全球环境条件如何。地理范围大小消灭选择性的环境独立性强调了地理范围大小在确定保护重点时的关键作用。



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