首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Nitrogen deposition drives lichen community changes through differential species responses.

Nitrogen deposition drives lichen community changes through differential species responses.


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Nitrogen (N) deposition has increased globally over the last 150 years and further increases are predicted. Epiphytic lichens decline in abundance and diversity in areas with high N loads, and the abundance of lichens decreases along gradients of increased deposition. Thus, although N is an essential nutrient for lichens, excessive loads may be detrimental for them. However, these gradients include many correlated pollutants and the mechanisms behind the decline are thus poorly known. The aim of this study was to assess effects of N deposition, alone, on the epiphytic lichen community composition in a naturally N-poor boreal forest. For this purpose, whole spruce trees were fertilized daily with N at five levels, equivalent to 0.6, 6, 12.5, 25, and 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1, during four consecutive growing seasons (2006-2009), and changes in the abundance of lichens were monitored each autumn from the preceding year (2005). The studied lichen communities were highly dynamic and responded strongly to the environmental perturbation. N deposition detectably altered the direction of succession and reduced the species richness of the epiphytic lichen communities, even at the lowest fertilization application (6 kg N ha-1 yr-1). The simulated N deposition caused significant changes in the abundance of Alectoria sarmentosa, Bryoria spp., and Hypogymnia physodes, which all increased at low N loads and decreased at high loads, but with species-specific optima. The rapid decline of A. sarmentosa may have been caused by the added nitrogen reducing the stability of the lichen thalli, possibly due to increases in the photobiont: mycobiont ratio or parasitic fungal attacks. We conclude that increases in nitrogen availability, per se, could be responsible for the reductions in lichen abundance and diversity observed along deposition gradients, and those community responses may be due to physiological responses of the individual species rather than changes in competitive interactions.
机译:在过去的150年中,全球的氮(N)沉积量有所增加,并且预计还会进一步增加。在高氮负荷地区,附生地衣的丰度和多样性下降,而地衣的丰度随着沉积增加的梯度而降低。因此,尽管氮是地衣的必需养分,但过多的负载可能对地衣不利。但是,这些梯度包括许多相关的污染物,因此,其下降的机理尚不清楚。这项研究的目的是评估单独的氮沉降对自然贫瘠的北方森林中附生地衣群落组成的影响。为此,每天对整棵云杉树木施以5种水平的N,相当于0.6、6、12.5、25和50 kg N ha -1 yr -1 在连续四个生长季节(2006-2009年)内,从上一年(2005年)的每个秋季开始监测地衣的丰度变化。所研究的地衣群落非常活跃,并且对环境扰动反应强烈。即使在施肥量最低的情况下(6 kg N ha -1 yr -1 ),氮沉降仍可显着改变附生地衣群落的演替方向并降低物种丰富度。 。模拟的N沉积导致 Alectoria sarmentosa , Bryoria spp。和 Hypommnia physodes 的丰度发生显着变化,这些变化在低N负荷下均增加并在高负荷时下降,但具有特定于物种的最佳状态。 A的迅速下降。 sarmentosa 可能是由于添加的氮降低了地衣藻的稳定性而引起的,这可能是由于光生物素:真菌素比例增加或寄生性真菌侵袭引起的。我们得出的结论是,氮的有效性(i>本身)的增加可能是造成沿沉积梯度观察到的地衣丰度和多样性下降的原因,而这些群落反应可能是由于单个物种的生理反应而不是竞争互动的变化。



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