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Diversity of carbon use strategies in a kelp forest community: implications for a high CO2 ocean


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Mechanisms for inorganic carbon acquisition in macroalgal assemblages today could indicate how coastal ecosystems will respond to predicted changes in ocean chemistry due to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2). We identified the proportion of noncalcifying macroalgae with particular carbon use strategies using the natural abundance of carbon isotopes and pH drift experiments in a kelp forest. We also identified all calcifying macroalgae in this system; these were the dominant component of the benthos (by % cover) at all depths and seasons while cover of noncalcareous macroalgae increased at shallower depths and during summer. All large canopy-forming macroalgae had attributes suggestive of active uptake of inorganic carbon and the presence of a CO2 concentration mechanism (CCM). CCM species covered, on average, 15-45% of the benthos and were most common at shallow depths and during summer. There was a high level of variability in carbon isotope discrimination within CCM species, probably a result of energetic constraints on active carbon uptake in a low light environment. Over 50% of red noncalcifying species exhibited values below -30 parts per thousand suggesting a reliance on diffusive CO2 uptake and no functional CCM. Non-CCM macroalgae covered on average 0-8.9% of rock surfaces and were most common in deep, low light habitats. Elevated CO2 has the potential to influence competition between dominant coralline species (that will be negatively affected by increased CO2) and noncalcareous CCM macroalgae (neutral or positive effects) and relatively rare (on a % cover basis) non-CCM species (positive effects). Responses of macroalgae to elevated CO2 will be strongly modified by light and any responses are likely to be different at times or locations where energy constrains photosynthesis. Increased growth and competitive ability of noncalcareous macroalgae alongside negative impacts of acidification on calcifying species could have major implications for the functioning of coastal reef systems at elevated CO2 concentrations.
机译:今天,大型藻类集合体中无机碳的捕获机制可能表明,沿海生态系统将如何应对由于二氧化碳(CO2)升高引起的海洋化学变化的预测。我们利用海藻森林中碳同位素的自然丰度和pH漂移实验,确定了具有特定碳使用策略的非钙化大型藻类的比例。我们还确定了该系统中所有钙化的大型藻类。在所有深度和季节,这些都是底栖动物的主要成分(按覆盖率%),而在浅层深度和夏季,非钙质大型藻类的覆盖率增加。所有形成大冠层的大型藻类均具有暗示主动吸收无机碳和存在CO2浓缩机制(CCM)的属性。 CCM种类平均覆盖了底栖生物的15%至45%,在浅层深度和夏季最为常见。在CCM物种中,碳同位素判别存在高水平的变异性,这可能是在弱光环境下对活性碳吸收的高能约束的结果。超过50%的红色非钙化物种的值低于千分之-30,这表明依赖于扩散的CO2吸收并且没有功能性CCM。非CCM大型藻类平均覆盖岩石表面的0-8.9%,并且最常见于深层,弱光的栖息地。二氧化碳含量升高有可能影响优势珊瑚种(将受到二氧化碳增加的负面影响)与非钙化CCM大型藻类(中性或正面影响)之间的竞争,以及相对稀少的(按百分比覆盖)非CCM物种之间的竞争(正面影响) 。光会强烈改变大型藻类对升高的CO2的响应,并且在能量限制光合作用的时间或位置,任何响应都可能会有所不同。非钙质大型藻类的生长和竞争能力的提高,以及酸化对钙化物种的不利影响,可能会对二氧化碳浓度升高的沿海礁石系统的功能产生重大影响。



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