首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Grass invasion of a hardwood forest is associated with declines in belowground carbon pools

Grass invasion of a hardwood forest is associated with declines in belowground carbon pools


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Invasive plant species affect a range of ecosystem processes but their impact on belowground carbon (C) pools is relatively unexplored. This is particularly true for grass invasions of forested ecosystems. Such invasions may alter both the quantity and quality of forest floor inputs. Dependent on both, two theories, 'priming' and 'preferential substrate utilization', suggest these changes may decrease, increase, or leave unchanged native plant-derived soil C. Decreases are expected under 'priming' theory due to increased soil microbial activity. Under 'preferential substrate utilization', either an increase or no change is expected because the invasive plant's inputs are used by the microbial community instead of soil C. Here, we examine how Microstegium vimineum affects belowground C-cycling in a southeastern US forest. Following predictions of priming theory, M. vimineum's presence is associated with decreases in native-derived, C pools. For example, in September 2006 M. vimineum is associated with 24%, 34%, 36%, and 72% declines in total organic, particulate organic matter, mineralizable (a measure of microbially-available C), and microbial biomass C, respectively. Soil C derived from M. vimineum does not compensate for these decreases, meaning that the sum of native- plus invasive-derived C pools is smaller than native-derived pools in uninvaded plots. Supporting our inferences that C-cycling accelerates under invasion, the microbial community is more active per unit biomass: added p#pdC-glucose is respired more rapidly in invaded plots. Our work suggests that this invader may accelerate C-cycling in forest soils and deplete C stocks. The paucity of studies investigating impacts of grass invasion on C-cycling in forests highlights the need to study further M. vimineum and other invasive grasses to assess their impacts on C sink strength and forest fertility.
机译:外来入侵植物物种影响一系列生态系统过程,但它们对地下碳库的影响相对而言尚待探索。对于草木入侵森林生态系统尤其如此。这种入侵可能会改变林地投入物的数量和质量。依赖于“启动”和“优先底物利用”这两种理论,表明这些变化可能会减少,增加或保持不变的原生植物来源的土壤C。由于土壤微生物活性的提高,在“启动”理论下预计会减少。在“优先基质利用”下,由于入侵植物的输入是由微生物群落而不是土壤C使用的,因此预期会增加或没有变化。在这里,我们研究了美国东南部森林中的小球藻如何影响地下C循环。根据对启动理论的预测,葡萄分枝杆菌的存在与天然来源的C库的减少有关。例如,在2006年9月,M。vimineum与总有机物,颗粒有机物,可矿化(微生物可利用的C的量)和微生物生物量C的分别减少24%,34%,36%和72%有关。 。源自葡萄分枝杆菌的土壤碳不能弥补这些减少,这意味着在未入侵的地块中,自然来源和入侵来源的碳库之和小于自然来源的库。支持我们的推断,即入侵导致C循环加速,单位生物量中的微生物群落更加活跃:入侵的地块中添加的p#pdC-葡萄糖被更快地呼吸。我们的工作表明,这种入侵者可能会加速森林土壤中的碳循环并耗尽碳储量。缺乏研究草木入侵对森林中C循环的影响的研究表明,有必要进一步研究M. vimineum和其他入侵草以评估其对C汇强度和森林肥力的影响。



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