首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Interactive effects of warming and increased nitrogen deposition on p#eN tracer retention in a temperate old field: seasonal trends

Interactive effects of warming and increased nitrogen deposition on p#eN tracer retention in a temperate old field: seasonal trends


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The extent to which increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition will drive changes in plant productivity and species composition over the next century will depend on how other influential global change factors, such as climate warming, affect the N retention of ecosystems. We examined the interactive effects of simulated climate warming and N deposition on the recoveries of p#eN-labeled ammonium and p#eN-labeled nitrate tracers added as a pulse to grass-dominated, temperate old-field plots at spring thaw. In addition to the year-round warming treatment, a winter-only warming treatment was applied to a set of plots to explore the contribution of this component of climate warming to the overall warming effect. By the end of the plant growing season, there was approximately twice as much p#eN enrichment in the plant roots and bulk soil from p#eNH-addition plots than from p#eNO-addition plots, but there were no effects of warming or N fertilization on p#eN recovery. Over winter, approximately half of the excess p#eN present in plant shoots was lost, which corresponded with large p#eN losses from bulk soil in N fertilized plots and large p#eN increases in bulk soil in nonfertilized plots. By the next spring, there was decreased p#eN recovery in plants in response to N fertilization, which was largely offset by increases in plant p#eN recovery in response to year-round warming. However, p#eN retention in bulk soil, where the major part of the p#eN label was recovered, was approximately 40% higher in nonfertilized plots than in N fertilized plots. Overall, our results indicate that climate warming increases plant N sequestration in this system but this effect is overwhelmed by the overall effect of nitrogen deposition on ecosystem N losses.



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