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Jobs teach youth ABOUT AG: Employing youth in orchards and packing houses can benefit both students and the industry


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Orchardist John Verbrugge of Wapato, Washington, hired between 15 and 20 students to work during cherry harvest last season and this year hopes to hire more. The teens may not be as productive as his more experienced traditional work force, but Verbrugge believes it's important to give young people opportunities to work in agriculture and learn about the industry. Young people are the future of the industry—whether they are growers' own children or not, he said. "I would like to encourage the rest of the industry to step up and pay attention to our younger kids because they're all potential farmers. It's really good for them to get into it and learn that there are all sorts of things they can do—it's not just sitting on a tractor spraying. I would like to see more of our industry get involved."
机译:华盛顿州Wapato的Orchardist John Verbrugge上个季节雇用了15至20名学生在樱桃收获季节工作,而今年希望雇用更多的学生。青少年可能没有他经验丰富的传统劳动力那样多产,但韦布鲁格认为,给年轻人提供在农业上工作和了解该行业的机会很重要。他说,年轻人是该行业的未来,无论他们是不是农民自己的孩子。 “我想鼓励行业中的其他人加紧努力,并注意我们的年幼孩子,因为他们都是潜在的农民。对他们来说,学习他们可以做的各种各样的事情对他们来说真的很好。 “不仅仅是坐在拖拉机上喷涂。我希望看到我们行业的更多人参与其中。”



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