首页> 外文期刊>Global change biology >Ecophysiological controls over the net ecosystem exchange of mountain spruce stand. Comparison of the response in direct vs. diffuse solar radiation

Ecophysiological controls over the net ecosystem exchange of mountain spruce stand. Comparison of the response in direct vs. diffuse solar radiation


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Cloud cover increases the proportion of diffuse radiation reaching the Earth's surface and affects many microclimatic factors such as temperature, vapour pressure deficit and precipitation. We compared the relative efficiencies of canopy photosynthesis to diffuse and direct photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) for a Norway spruce forest (25-year-old, leaf area index 11 m(2) m(-2)) during two successive 7-day periods in August. The comparison was based on the response of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 to PPFD. NEE and stomatal conductance at the canopy level (G(canopy)) was estimated from half-hourly eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes. In addition, daily courses of CO2 assimilation rate (A(N)) and stomatal conductance (G(s)) at shoot level were measured using a gas-exchange technique applied to branches of trees. The extent of spectral changes in incident solar radiation was assessed using a spectroradiometer. We found significantly higher NEE (up to 150%) during the cloudy periods compared with the sunny periods at corresponding PPFDs. Prevailing diffuse radiation under the cloudy days resulted in a significantly lower compensation irradiance (by ca. 50% and 70%), while apparent quantum yield was slightly higher (by ca. 7%) at canopy level and significantly higher (by ca. 530%) in sun-acclimated shoots. The main reasons for these differences appear to be (1) more favourable microclimatic conditions during cloudy periods, (2) stimulation of photochemical reactions and stomatal opening via an increase of blue/red light ratio, and (3) increased penetration of light into the canopy and thus a more equitable distribution of light between leaves. Our analyses identified the most important reason of enhanced NEE under cloudy sky conditions to be the effective penetration of diffuse radiation to lower depths of the canopy. This subsequently led to the significantly higher solar equivalent leaf area compared with the direct radiation. Most of the leaves in such dense canopy are in deep shade, with marginal or negative carbon balances during sunny days. These findings show that the energy of diffuse, compared with direct, solar radiation is used more efficiently in assimilation processes at both leaf and canopy levels.
机译:云层增加了扩散辐射到达地球表面的比例,并影响了许多微气候因素,例如温度,蒸气压赤字和降水。我们比较了挪威云杉林(25岁,叶面积指数11 m(2)m(-2))在连续两个7-八月份的一天。比较是基于二氧化碳的净生态系统交换(NEE)对PPFD的响应。 NEE和冠层水平的气孔导度(G(冠层))是根据半小时的CO2和H2O通量的涡度协方差测量得出的。此外,使用应用于树木枝条的气体交换技术,测量了芽水平的二氧化碳同化率(A(N))和气孔导度(G(s))的日变化过程。使用分光辐射计评估入射太阳辐射中光谱变化的程度。与相应的PPFD的晴天相比,我们发现阴天期间的NEE显着更高(高达150%)。在阴天时普遍存在的漫射辐射导致补偿辐照度明显降低(分别为50%和70%),而在冠层水平上的表观量子产率略高(大约7%),而显着更高(大约为530) %)在太阳适应的芽中。这些差异的主要原因似乎是:(1)阴天期间更有利的微气候条件;(2)通过增加蓝/红光比来刺激光化学反应和气孔开放;以及(3)增加光对水的渗透冠层,从而使叶子之间的光分布更加均匀。我们的分析确定了在多云的天空条件下NEE增强的最重要原因是散射辐射有效穿透到了较低的树冠深度。随后,与直接辐射相比,这导致了明显更高的太阳等效叶面积。如此茂密的树冠中的大多数叶子都处于深色阴影下,晴天时边缘处于负碳平衡或负碳平衡。这些发现表明,与直接辐射相比,漫射能量在叶和冠层的同化过程中得到更有效的利用。



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