首页> 外文期刊>Gondwana research: international geoscience journal >The oldest aleocharine rove beetle (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Cretaceous Burmese amber and its implications for the early evolution of the basal group of hyper-diverse Aleocharinae

The oldest aleocharine rove beetle (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Cretaceous Burmese amber and its implications for the early evolution of the basal group of hyper-diverse Aleocharinae


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The subfamily Aleocharinae is a hyper-diverse group of Staphylinidae, accounting for nearly one-third of the diversity within the largest animal family on Earth. Here we describe Cretodeinopsis aenigmatica gen. et sp. nov., the first definitive Mesozoic aleocharine based on a well-preserved individual in the earliest Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from Myanmar (Burma). The new genus is clearly assigned to the 'basal' group of Aleocharinae based on its overall body shape, antennal insertions on the vertex of the head, and emarginate posterolateral margins of elytra. It is placed in the Recent tribe Deinopsini based on the strongly deflexed head, pectinate edge of abdominal segments III-V, tarsal structures, and non-pentamerous tarsi. The new discovery of the oldest known Aleocharinae from about 99 Mya represents a new aleocharine belonging to the 'basal' group of Aleocharinae, reinforcing the hypothesis that Gymnusa, Stylogymnusa and the tribe Deinopsini probably form a monophyletic lineage and suggest that the monophyly of Gymnusini is not supported based on the presence of 6 setigerous pores on the head. It indicates that the origin of the subfamily probably predates the Cenomanian. This new discovery is about 55 Ma older than the previously known Eocene-aged ones from Baltic amber, greatly broadening our knowledge on the early evolution of Aleocharinae. (C) 2014 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Aleocharinae亚科是Staphylinidae的一个超多样性群体,占地球上最大动物家族中多样性的近三分之一。在这里,我们描述Cretodeinopsis aenigmatica gen。等。 nov。,第一个确定的中生代铝盐,基于保存完好的个体,来自缅甸(缅甸)最早的白垩纪(切诺曼尼亚)琥珀中。根据其整体形状,在头顶上的触角插入以及鞘翅的后外侧边缘,该新属明显地被分配给了古猿科的“基础”组。它基于头的强烈弯曲,腹节III-V的果胶边缘,睑板结构和非戊齿的睑板,被放置在最近的Deinopsini部落中。新发现的最古老的Aleocharinae出自大约99个Mya,代表了属于Aleocharinae的“基础”群的新aleocharine,强化了Gymnusa,Stylogymnusa和Deinopsini部落可能构成一系谱系的假说,并表明Gymnusini的一系谱是由于头部有6个小孔而无法支撑。它表明该亚科的起源可能早于塞诺曼尼亚。这一新发现比波罗的海琥珀的始新世年龄早了约55 Ma,这大大拓宽了我们对古猿科的早期进化的认识。 (C)2014冈瓦纳国际研究协会。由Elsevier B.V.发布。保留所有权利。



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