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New fungicides benefit from LESSONS OF BENLATE


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Fruit growers will have new fungicides this year to help manage diseases as diverse as leaf spot in cherries, scab in apples, and brown rot and scab on peaches. The new materials are so-called second-generation succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHI), similar in action to boscalid, one of the components of Pristine (the first in this new generation, registered in 2003), and they are being sold in a similar manner. They come in packaged premixtures, in which the new SDHI component is combined with an older fungicide with a different Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) code and different mode of action. These premixtures are designed to prevent development of resistant disease organisms, which can and do destroy the value of good fungicides, Dr. George Sundin, Michigan State University plant pathologist, explained during the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in December.
机译:水果种植者今年将拥有新的杀菌剂,以帮助控制各种疾病,例如樱桃的叶斑病,苹果的黑ab病,桃子的褐腐病和黑sc病。这种新材料是所谓的第二代琥珀酸脱氢酶抑制剂(SDHI),其作用与Boscalid(Pristine的成分之一)(该新一代产品中的第一个,于2003年注册)相似,并且以相似的方式出售。方式。它们采用包装的预混合物,其中新的SDHI成分与具有不同杀菌剂抗药性行动委员会(FRAC)法规和不同作用方式的旧杀菌剂结合使用。密歇根州立大学植物病理学家George Sundin博士在大急流城的大湖水果,蔬菜和农贸市场博览会上解释说,这些预混物旨在防止耐药性疾病生物的发展,这会破坏确实的杀菌剂的价值。密歇根州,十二月。



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