首页> 外文期刊>Gondwana research: international geoscience journal >Age and geotectonic setting of Late Neoproterozoic juvenile mafic gneisses and associated paragneisses from the Ribeira belt (SE Brazil) based on geochemistry and Sm-Nd data - Implications on Gondwana assembly

Age and geotectonic setting of Late Neoproterozoic juvenile mafic gneisses and associated paragneisses from the Ribeira belt (SE Brazil) based on geochemistry and Sm-Nd data - Implications on Gondwana assembly


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Mafic gneisses and associated paragneisses from the Cabo Frio Tectonic Domain in the southeastern part of the Ribeira Belt, along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State in southeast Brazil, were subjected to a geochemical and Sm-Nd isotope study. Four lithotypes are distinguished: aluminous paragneisses (mainly sillimanite-kyanite-garnet-biotite gneiss), calesilicate lenses, quartzo-feldspathic metasedimentary gneisses and mafic-ultramafic lenses. The whole-rock major and trace, including rare earth element distributions in the mafic-ultramafic intercalations indicate that derivation from subalkaline basalt/gabbro of tholeiitic affinity with E-MORB signature from a non-subduction environment. These mafic rocks have positive epsilon(Nd)(t) and T-DM of 1.1 Ga. The metasedimentary rocks have negative epsilon(Nd)(t) and T-DM of 1.7 Ga. A Sm-Nd whole rock isochron of mafic rocks yielded an age of 604 +/- 38 Ma for the crystallization. This matches with the age of some detrital zircon grains from the paragneisses. The depositional basin, named Buzios-Palmital, was active at least until 620 Ma (age of the youngest detrital zircon) and was subsequently deformed and metamorphosed at ca. 525 Ma (age of metamorphic zircons) during the Buzios Orogeny. It is interpreted as a back arc basin with relation to the 630 Ma magmatic arc of the Oriental Terrane in the Ribeira Belt to the NW. However, after 600 Ma, the Buzios-Palmital basin changed to an active margin setting because the arc collided with the continental margin and the subduction shifted to the back are environment. By 610 Ma, most of the Brasiliano belts registered collisional events related to multiple convergent blocks. The stress fields and paleocontinent shapes would have allowed the occurrence of extensional areas with not only sedimentary deposition but also ocean floor spreading. Its remnants are preserved in this Brazilian coastal region as an ancient suture, reworked intensively during the Mesozoic rifting events. The reconnaissance of Late Neoproterozoic basins in the Brasiliano-Pan-African belts is of major importance to partially unravel the final amalgamation events of SW Gondwana. Considering that the Buzios-Palmital basin rock units are mostly covered by the marginal Atlantic basins, it is possible that other evidence could be preserved in the coastal regions of SW-Africa and SE-South America. (C) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
机译:位于巴西东南部里约热内卢州沿海的里贝拉带东南部卡波弗里奥构造域的镁铁质片麻岩和伴生的片麻岩进行了地球化学和Sm-Nd同位素研究。区分四种岩性:铝质方格尼属岩(主要为硅线石-蓝晶石-石榴石-黑云母片麻岩),钙硅酸盐晶状体,石英长石质变质沉积片麻岩和镁铁质超音波晶体。整个岩石的主要构造和痕迹,包括镁铁质-超镁铁质插层中的稀土元素分布,表明从非俯冲环境中衍生出具有E-MORB签名的,具有亲和力的亚碱性玄武岩/杂藻。这些镁铁质岩的正ε(Nd)(t)和T-DM为1.1 Ga;准沉积岩的负ε(Nd)(t)和T-DM为1.7 Ga。镁铁矿岩的Sm-Nd全岩等时线结晶年龄为604 +/- 38 Ma。这与Paragneisses中一些碎屑锆石的年龄相匹配。沉积盆地叫布齐奥斯-帕尔米塔尔(Buzios-Palmital),一直活跃到至少620 Ma(最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄),随后在约摄氏一带变形并变质。 Buzios造山运动期间525 Ma(变质锆石年龄)。它被解释为与西北西北部里贝拉地带的东方地带的630 Ma岩浆弧有关的后弧盆地。但是,在600 Ma之后,由于弧与大陆边缘碰撞并且俯冲向后偏移是环境,因此布基亚斯-帕尔米塔尔盆地改变为活跃的边缘设置。到610 Ma,大多数Brasiliano带记录到与多个会聚块有关的碰撞事件。应力场和古大陆形状将允许扩展区的发生,不仅沉积物沉积,而且海床扩展。它的残余物作为古老的缝合线保存在这个巴西沿海地区,在中生代裂谷事件中经过大量重新加工。在Brasiliano-Pan-African带中的新元古代晚期盆地的勘察对于部分解开冈瓦纳西南部的最终合并事件具有重要意义。考虑到Buzios-Palmital盆地岩石单元大部分被边缘的大西洋盆地所覆盖,因此有可能在西南非洲和东南南美的沿海地区保留其他证据。 (C)2007国际冈瓦那研究协会。由Elsevier B.V发布。保留所有权利。



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