首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology >Pharmacokinetics and clinical effect of phenobarbital in children with severe falciparum malaria and convulsions.

Pharmacokinetics and clinical effect of phenobarbital in children with severe falciparum malaria and convulsions.


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AIMS: Phenobarbital is commonly used to treat status epilepticus in resource-poor countries. Although a dose of 20 mg kg(-1) is recommended, this dose, administered intramuscularly (i.m.) for prophylaxis, is associated with an increase in mortality in children with cerebral malaria. We evaluated a 15-mg kg(-1) intravenous (i.v.) dose of phenobarbital to determine its pharmacokinetics and clinical effects in children with severe falciparum malaria and status epilepticus. METHODS: Twelve children (M/F: 11/1), aged 7-62 months, received a loading dose of phenobarbital (15 mg kg(-1)) as an i.v. infusion over 20 min and maintenance dose of 5 mg kg(-1) at 24 and 48 h later. The duration of convulsions and their recurrence were recorded. Vital signs were monitored. Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) phenobarbital concentrations were measured with an Abbott TDx FLx fluorescence polarisation immunoassay analyser (Abbott Laboratories, Diagnostic Division, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Simulations were performed to predict the optimum dosage regimen that would maintain plasma phenobarbital concentrations between 15 and 20 mg l(-1) for 72 h. RESULTS: All the children achieved plasma concentrations above 15 mg l(-1) by the end of the infusion. Mean (95% confidence interval or median and range for Cmax) pharmacokinetic parameters were: area under curve [AUC (0, infinity)]: 4259 (3169, 5448) mg l(-1).h, t(1/2): 82.9 (62, 103) h, CL: 5.8 (4.4, 7.3) ml kg(-1) h(-1), Vss: 0.8 (0.7, 0.9) l kg (-1), CSF: plasma phenobarbital concentration ratio: 0.7 (0.5, 0.8; n= 6) and Cmax: 19.9 (17.9-27.9) mg l(-1). Eight of the children had their convulsions controlled and none of them had recurrence of convulsions. Simulations suggested that a loading dose of 15 mg kg(-1) followed by two maintenance doses of 2.5 mg kg(-1) at 24 h and 48 h would maintain plasma phenobarbital concentrations between 16.4 and 20 mg l(-1) for 72 h. CONCLUSIONS: Phenobarbital, given as an i.v. loading dose, 15 mg kg(-1), achieves maximum plasma concentrations of greater than 15 mg l(-1) with good clinical effect and no significant adverse events in children with severe falciparum malaria. A maintenance dose of 2.5 mg kg(-1) at 24 h and 48 h was predicted to be sufficient to maintain concentrations of 15-20 mg l(-1) for 72 h, and may be a suitable regimen for treatment of convulsions in these children.
机译:目的:苯巴比妥在资源贫乏的国家通常用于治疗癫痫持续状态。尽管建议剂量为20 mg kg(-1),但该剂量通过肌肉注射(i.m.)预防,与脑疟疾患儿死亡率增加有关。我们评估了苯巴比妥的15 mg kg(-1)静脉内(i.v.)剂量,以确定其在严重恶性疟疾和癫痫持续状态的儿童中的药代动力学和临床效果。方法:十二名儿童(男/女:11/1)年龄在7-62个月之间,接受静脉注射苯巴比妥(15 mg kg(-1))负荷剂量。在20和48小时后输注20分钟,维持剂量为5 mg kg(-1)。记录抽搐的持续时间及其复发。监测生命体征。用Abbott TDx FLx荧光偏振免疫分析仪(Abbott Laboratories,诊断部,Abbott Park,IL,美国)测量血浆和脑脊液(CSF)苯巴比妥浓度。进行模拟以预测最佳剂量方案,该方案将维持血浆苯巴比妥浓度在15到20 mg l(-1)之间72小时。结果:所有儿童在输注结束时血浆浓度均达到15 mg l(-1)以上。平均值(Cmax的95%置信区间或中位数和范围)的药代动力学参数为:曲线下面积[AUC(0,infinity)]:4259(3169,5448)mg l(-1).h,t(1/2) :82.9(62,103)h,CL:5.8(4.4,7.3)ml kg(-1)h(-1),Vss:0.8(0.7,0.9)l kg(-1),CSF:血浆苯巴比妥浓度比:0.7(0.5,0.8; n = 6)和C max:19.9(17.9-27.9)mg·l(-1)。其中有八名儿童的抽搐得到控制,他们都没有再次发作。模拟结果表明,在24 h和48 h分别以15 mg kg(-1)的负荷剂量和两次2.5 mg kg(-1)的维持剂量可使72血浆苯巴比妥浓度维持在16.4和20 mg l(-1)之间。 H。结论:苯巴比妥,静脉注射。负荷剂量15 mg kg(-1)可使最大血浆浓度超过15 mg l(-1),具有良好的临床效果,对患有严重恶性疟疾的儿童无明显不良反应。预计在24 h和48 h维持2.5 mg kg(-1)的剂量足以维持15-20 mg l(-1)的浓度持续72 h,并且可能是治疗惊厥的合适方案这些孩子。



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