
The 2004-2008 dome-building eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington: epilogue


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The 2004-2008 dome-building eruption at Mount St. Helens ended during winter 2007-2008 at a time when field observations were hampered by persistent bad weather. As a result, recognizing the end of the eruption was challenging-but important for scientists trying to understand how and why long-lived eruptions end and for public officials and land managers responsible for hazards mitigation and access restrictions. In hindsight, the end of the eruption was presaged by a slight increase in seismicity in December 2007 that culminated on January 12-13, 2008, with a burst of more than 500 events, most of which occurred in association with several tremor-like signals and a spasmodic burst of long-period earthquakes. At about the same time, a series of regular, localized, small-amplitude tilt events-thousands of which had been recorded during earlier phases of the eruption-came to an end. Thereafter, seismicity declined to 10-20 events per day until January 27-28, when a spasmodic burst of about 50 volcano-tectonic earthquakes occurred over a span of 3 h. This was followed by a brief return of repetitive "drumbeat" earthquakes that characterized much of the eruption. By January 31, however, seismicity had declined to 1-2 earth-quakes per day, a rate similar to pre-eruption levels. We attribute the tilt and seismic observations to convulsive stagnation of a semisolid magma plug in the upper part of the conduit. The upward movement of the plug ceased when the excess driving pressure, which had gradually decreased throughout the eruption as a result of reservoir deflation and increasing overburden from the growing dome, was overcome by increasing friction as a result of cooling and crystallization of the plug.



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