首页> 外文期刊>Geophysics: Journal of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists >Ultrashallow depth imaging of a channel stratigraphy with first-arrival traveltime inversion and prestack depth migration: A case history from Bull Creek, Oklahoma

Ultrashallow depth imaging of a channel stratigraphy with first-arrival traveltime inversion and prestack depth migration: A case history from Bull Creek, Oklahoma


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Depth imaging in ultrashallow (<50 m) environments presents twofold challenge: (1) coda available for depth migration is very limited; and (2) conventional time processing with limited coda generally fails to estimate reliable velocity models for depth migration. We studied the combining of first-arrival traveltime inversion and prestack depth migration (PSDM) for depth imaging of ultrashallow paleochannel stratigraphy associated with the Bull Creek drainage system, Oklahoma. Restricted by a limited number of geophones (24) we acquired data for inversion and migration through two coincident profiles. The first profile for inversion has a wider survey-aperture (115-m maximum shot-receiver spacing) and consequently sparse CMP spacing (2.5 m), whereas the second profile for PSDM has denser CMP spacing (1 m) and consequently a narrower survey aperture (46-m maximum shot-receiver spacing). We also found that the velocity model from traveltime inversion of the wider-aperture data set is more preferable for depthmigration than the velocity model from time processing of the denser data set. The preferred depth image showed three episodes of incision whose chronological order is resolved through radio-carbon dating of terrace sediments. Results suggested that even with limited geophones, depth imaging of ultrashallow targets can be achieved by combining first-arrival traveltime inversion and PSDM through coincident wide- and narrowaperture acquisitions.
机译:超浅(<50 m)环境中的深度成像提出了双重挑战:(1)可用于深度迁移的尾气非常有限; (2)尾音有限的常规时间处理通常无法估计深度迁移的可靠速度模型。我们研究了首次到达的旅行时间反演和叠前深度偏移(PSDM)的结合,用于与俄克拉荷马州Bull Creek排水系统相关的超浅古河道地层深度成像。受有限数量的地震检波器(24)的限制,我们通过两个重合的剖面获取了用于反演和偏移的数据。反演的第一个剖面具有较宽的测量孔径(115毫米的最大发射接收器间距),因此CMP间距较稀疏(2.5 m),而PSDM的第二个剖面的CMP间距较密(1 m),因此测量范围较窄光圈(最大46 m的发射接收器间距)。我们还发现,与较密集数据集的时间处理产生的速度模型相比,较宽孔径数据集的传播时间反演所产生的速度模型更适合深度迁移。优选的深度图像显示了三个切口,它们的时间顺序通过阶地沉积物的放射性碳年代测定得以解决。结果表明,即使使用有限的检波器,也可以通过同时进行宽孔径和窄孔径采集,将首次到达的行进时间反演和PSDM相结合,来实现超浅目标的深度成像。



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