首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Ground deformation measurements at the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat: II: Rapid static GPS measurements June 1996 June 1997

Ground deformation measurements at the Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat: II: Rapid static GPS measurements June 1996 June 1997

机译:蒙特塞拉特Soufriere Hills火山的地面变形测量:II:快速静态GPS测量1996年6月1997年6月

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We describe measurements of ground deformation around the erupting Soufriere Hills volcano made between June 1996 and June 1997 using Rapid Static GPS. The measurements define a lateral displacement field which is approximately radially symmetrical about the growing dome. No significant sustained vertical displacements have been identified. Radial displacements have generally increased steadily during this period of observation. The rate of displacement decreases from 43 cm per year at a distance of 0.6 km from the centre of the dome to about 1 cm/year at a distance of 3.8 km. Strains within one km of the dome itself are greater than 10(-3). The rate of variation of strain with distance indicates a causative centre of pressure at a depth of not greater than 750 meters below the summit of the dome. [References: 8]
机译:我们描述了使用快速静态GPS在1996年6月至1997年6月之间进行的苏弗里耶山喷发火山周围地面变形的测量。这些测量值定义了一个横向位移场,该场关于增长的穹顶近似径向对称。尚未发现明显的持续垂直位移。在此观察期间,径向位移通常稳定增加。位移速率从每年距穹顶中心0.6公里的43厘米下降到每年3.8公里距离的约1厘米/年。距离穹顶本身一公里以内的应变大于10(-3)。应变随距离的变化率表示在圆顶顶以下不超过750米深度处的因果压力中心。 [参考:8]



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