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Comparison of spectral direct and diffuse solar irradiance measurements and calculations for cloud-free conditions


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Ground-based spectral measurements of direct and diffuse solar irradiance from the Rotating Shadowband Spectroradiometer, taken in cloud-free conditions in Oklahoma in the fall of 1997, are compared over the spectral range 10000-28500 cm(-1) to corresponding calculations by an accurate multiple-scattering radiative transfer model. For each case analyzed, the aerosol optical depths used in the calculation were determined by fitting an Angstrom relation based on the ratio of the direct-beam measurements to a direct-beam calculation with no aerosols present. Also used in the calculation was a spectrally-independent aerosol single-scattering albedo chosen to provide agreement with the diffuse measurements. The spectral agreement between the measurements and calculations for the direct and diffuse irradiances is very good, providing strong evidence that in this spectral range there are no unmodeled molecular absorbers of significance to the atmospheric energy balance. Especially notable is the correspondence between the observations and calculations for a case characterized by a large amount of water vapor in the direct-beam path, directly contradicting the suggestion that water vapor absorbs more shortwave radiation than is represented in radiative transfer models. [References: 19]
机译:在1997年秋季在俄克拉荷马州无云的条件下,利用旋转阴影带光谱仪测量的直接和漫射太阳辐射的地面光谱测量值,通过10000-28500 cm(-1)的光谱范围与相应的计算进行了比较。精确的多散射辐射传输模型。对于每种分析情况,计算时使用的气溶胶光学深度是根据直射束测量与不存在气溶胶的直射束计算之比拟合Angstrom关系来确定的。在计算中还使用了与光谱无关的气溶胶单散射反照率,其选择与扩散测量值一致。直接和漫射辐照度的测量与计算之间的光谱一致性非常好,提供了有力的证据,表明在此光谱范围内,没有模型化的分子吸收剂对大气能量平衡具有重要意义。特别值得注意的是,对于以直接光束路径中存在大量水蒸气为特征的情况,观测值与计算值之间的对应关系与水蒸气吸收的短波辐射比辐射传递模型所代表的吸收更多的暗示直接矛盾。 [参考:19]



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