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Detecting climate change at a regional scale: The case of France - art. no. 1450

机译:在区域范围内发现气候变化:法国的情况-艺术。没有。 1450

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1] An optimal detection method, already used for global climate change detection, is applied to regional anthropogenic climate change detection, in the particular case of France. This case was chosen for the availability of high quality, statistically homogenized near- surface temperature observations on one hand, and high- resolution climate simulations over this region on the other hand. The detection is conducted on centered patterns, in order to only focus on pattern similarities between observations and model predictions. Detection is successful for 30- year trends of summer minimal daily temperatures at a 90% confidence level, while it failed on summer maximal daily and winter temperatures. This partial success is very encouraging as it shows for the first time the detection of a climate change signal at the regional scale which resembles the one computed by a regional climate model. [References: 12
机译:1]一种已经用于全球气候变化探测的最佳探测方法,被应用于区域人为气候变化探测,在法国尤其如此。之所以选择这种情况,是因为一方面可以提供高质量的,统计上均一的近地表温度观测值,另一方面是可以在该区域进行高分辨率气候模拟。为了集中在观察值和模型预测之间的模式相似性,检测是在中心模式下进行的。在90%置信度的夏季最低日温度的30年趋势中,检测成功,而在夏季最高日和冬季温度下,检测失败。这种局部成功非常令人鼓舞,因为它首次表明在区域尺度上检测到类似于区域气候模型所计算出的气候变化信号。 [参考:12



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